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Can someone confirm/deny if this is just on my machine? If running poly prompt and then run e.g. test :dev and one of the tests fail, after printing the clojure.test assertions, I'm seeing a stack trace and poly prompt exits back to shell.


This bug hasn’t been detected till now, as everyone is writing error-free code 😉 I could reproduce the problem though, and I will look into it when I have time (I’m on holiday). I created issue.

😂 2

Thanks for confirming my sanity and I apologize for the bug-ridden code. ;) Enjoy your vacation!


@tengstrand Do you recommend developing a library for outside consumption within Polylith? i.e. If I’m developing a component that I’d like to share across bases AND with a 3rd party leiningen project (via Clojars), is that recommended? Or better to create a Leiningen library, and import it?


Looks like projects are the way to do this; I just wanna be sure I’m staying within the goals of Polylith.


Yes, projectsare used to specify your deployable artifacts. If your component uses other components, then I would create a project in the workspace. If it doesn’t (and you have no plan to use other components in the future) then you can choose what you think is best, to put it in a project or create a Leiningen library.

🙏 2

Forgive me if this is just a silly question… but that means, then, that if you’re exposing a public function, as part of a library’s API, you will end up with component/core/my-func → component/interface/my-func → base/core/my-func. Like, is that the path to the least amount of indirection? (Three copies of a function to get it publicly exposed?)


I missed your question, saw it now 6 months later! How is it going with Polylith and the library plans?