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@grav I am. I managed to compile some simple script, but now I'm having some problems when I started requiring some library. The build process hangs indefinitely and when I interrupt it:

ERROR in file [object Object]
	 Function.cljs.core.ex_info.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:1928:72)
	 Function.cljs.analyzer.error.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:2539:92)
	 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6020:354)
	 z (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6021:263)
	 Object.cljs.js.eval_str_STAR_ (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6022:328)
	 Function.cljs.js.eval_str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$5 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6025:508)
	 Object.lumo.repl.execute_text (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6511:475)
	 Object.lumo.repl.execute_source (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6517:370)
	 Object.lumo.repl.execute (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6518:202)

Script execution interrupted.
	 ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.cljs:44:33)
	 Object.runInThisContext (vm.cljs:116:38)
	 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6020:273)
	 z (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6021:263)
	 Object.cljs.js.eval_str_STAR_ (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6022:328)
	 Function.cljs.js.eval_str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$5 (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6025:508)
	 Object.lumo.repl.execute_text (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6511:475)
	 Object.lumo.repl.execute_source (NO_SOURCE_FILE <embedded>:6517:370)

Here's the build command as generated by calvin:


@alepeino not all the current Clojure library are Lumo-compatible. They specifically need to say that the are bootstrap or self-host compatible...or use no macros and be cljs that might be the problem you are facing


@richiardiandrea oh ok, I just needed a http/xhr client. Tried "cljs-http", switched to "funcool/httpurr" and now I'm getting

Failed! Could not parse ns form jarful.core: Error: No protocol method IJavaScript.-requires defined for type cljs.core/PersistentVector: [:error #error {:message "failed compiling file:out/cljs/core.cljs", :data {:file "out/cljs/core.cljs"}, :cause #object[Error Error: No protocol method IJavaScript.-requires defined for type cljs.core/PersistentVector: [:error #error {:message "failed compiling file:out/process/env.cljs", :data {:file "out/process/env.cljs"}, :cause #object[Error Error: No protocol method IJavaScript.-requires defined for type cljs.core/PersistentVector: [:error #error {:message "Could not parse ns form process.env", :data {:tag :cljs/analysis-error}, :cause #object[TypeError TypeError: $$LUMO_GLOBALS.readSourcePaths is not a function]}]]}]]}]
    at Object.cljs.core.missing_protocol (<embedded>:179:274)
    at lumo$cljs_deps$_requires (evalmachine.<anonymous>:418:17)
    at <embedded>:983:205
    at cljs.core.LazySeq.fn (<embedded>:983:210)
What is it that makes a library self-host compatible or not? Thank you


@alepeino Generally, if a ClojureScript library defines macros which themselves employ Java interop, that library won't work in self-hosted ClojureScript. This is because in self-hosted ClojureScript, the macros need to be compiled by the ClojureScript compiler (not the Clojure compiler).


To put it another way, Lumo needs to compile the library's macros. Lumo only has ClojureScript at its disposal.