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Bobbi Towers21:08:33

The long pathway from learning to make useful things to providing usefulness to the community has given me a lot of motivation to try to bridge a perceived chasm for newcomers to the industry. This perception, to me, is that one must first commit to an uncertain period of struggle and doubt, to be (hopefully) relieved after possibly many years as a result of what seems to be 25% hard work and 75% luck, after which they may consider themselves successful. My idea is to form a Clojure consultancy focused on helping others like me who are dedicated but struggling to prove their worth, and in doing so possibly fill in another gap that could exist, though I am not sure and here is where I'd like some input. Are there individuals or teams out there who could benefit from enthusiastic, competent Clojurists but aren't in a financial position to hire more full-time senior developers? Maybe if such an organization existed, it would encourage more interesting, experimental activity that would involve too much of a risk otherwise. I would love to offer people who dream of one day writing code for money to get a taste of it, and even better, give them the valuable experience of collaboration and seeing the results of their efforts. Does this seem like a worthwhile thing to pursue?

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Jakub Šťastný17:09:26

I'd love that, senior dev here, more Ruby experience but just (seriously) switching to Clojure now. Let me know if there's a need for my skills, I have 15 years of experience as a dev.


well, I'm kind of just getting started but such a thing sounds useful to me cuz I'm really not too sure how. I know I need to come up with some kind of a clj/cljs "portfolio" but finances are making it hard to dive into some kind if in depth project with no pay so it's kind of a chicken or the egg situation

Bobbi Towers22:09:49

I think a logical step forward is to form a group, which I'm code-naming the "Clojure Wrecking-Crew" (see: Its purpose will be to provide opportunities and support to new developers, and more accessible options for those seeking help with their growing projects. I think it is reasonable to take on projects initially without pay, with a compensation model based on valuable work done. The idea is to provide a pathway much like contribution to open-source, but with a clear possibility for income at some point.

👍 4