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any recommendations for what storage components to use in AWS, for a relatively low write system? Is it simplest to just use RDS PostgreSQL for both doc and tx data

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As performance requirements aren't very high, I'm thinking about what's a good solution with regards to price and number of moving parts


setting up kafka looks lot more complicated than RDS


Yep, RDS is perfectly reasonable 🙂 If you did want to use Kafka, we've used Confluent Cloud Kafka ( for a couple of internal projects which was both pretty click-and-go and cheap (although I think they've changed their pricing model since). I haven't personally used


@U050V1N74 did you use confluent cloud kafka for docs too or just tx?


both, yep. since then we've come to prefer not using Kafka for docs, because of the requirement to replicate it in a local store for random-access lookup (Crux takes care of this for you, but it's more disk space), but it'll probably be sufficient for a small workload


given a choice I'd go Kafka for txs and Postgres for docs - it's what they're good at - but pragmatically it's fine to use either Postgres for txs or Kafka for docs if you want everything in one store


how about s3 for docs? any perf issues with that


none that we're aware of, at least 🙂 billing model is obv quite different. if you're not using many nodes and can give each node a decent amount of cache space (if it's a small instance you may even get the whole database locally cached) you probably won't be hitting S3 a lot


good point about the billing model


from a code point of view it's easy enough to switch between them later (ideally before you go live) if after testing you decide you want the other one


I think I'll go with RDS for this project as PostgreSQL is a tried and true and very reliable work horse... and I have lots of experience with that and almost none with kafka 😛


familiarity's certainly something to take into account 🙂


and all the golden stores in the same place is good for offsite backups and ops people are comfortable with backup of postgresql

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@U11SJ6Q0K we just picked Postgres for both for the same reason - the DevOps team is a bit worried about the table growing and growing and probably we will have to handle that at some point but they gave us the green light


I was thinking that if you are using checkpoints, then could old events be moved to another table (or removed altogether if you have them in a backup file)... idk if that's feasible


but things need to be pretty big to present problems if using brin index