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@cfleming bb support is really nice indeed! I just launched my first bb repl from cursive.


yeah it's working great for us as well, at the very least for symbol resolution for my file marked as BB


Cursive often throws the following error. Any idea what to do about it?

java.lang.Throwable: Non-idempotent computation: it returns different results when invoked multiple times or on different threads:
  REPL method getBytes (class cursive.psi.repl.ReplMethod) != REPL method getBytes (class cursive.psi.repl.ReplMethod)
  which is element of cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@39ea0c8c and cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@5ace594
  which is 1th element of [cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@7891bcb0, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@39ea0c8c, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@3ad76401, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@259e1435] and [cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@460d3a8e, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@5ace594, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@3dd714ce, cursive.psi.resolve.ClojureResolveResultImpl@7a0cf093]


i'm new to shadow-cljs, is this a known issue with Cursive?


Yes, sadly, I’m planning to fix this soon. JS interop in general is tricky and not currently implemented well.

👍 3

ah, i see. (sorry, i had to delete the screenshot because i forgot to redact something in it.)


No worries. I have plans to initially just make the JS interop not complain as much as it does currently, and then to try to actually fix it, probably using TypeScript type definitions.


i like that plan!


@cfleming while you're here, i noticed the following two issues with the REPL tool window: • hiding the toolbar hides the individual tools (the buttons) but doesn't hide the toolbar (the space) itself • the shortcuts for resizing tool windows ( don't have any effect on it


Interesting, I’ll check that, thanks. That code is extremely old now, it’s possible it could use a little love.

👍 3

this is what it looks like when "Show Toolbar" menu item is unchecked:


Hmm, strange. I’ll take a look.


I have the resizing toolbar window issue too. Thought it was something up with my setup (though I’ve checked and there’s nothing strange in my keymaps and settings) and didn’t want to bother Colin about it. Colin let me know if you’ll find it handy if I create a GitHub ticket for the resizing of the toolbar window issue.


Can confirm, the Stretch active tool window to commands are greyed out for the repl