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Alastair Hole15:07:58

Can anyone give me any pointers with using a local Avro schema file to deserialize messages? I think I need :deserializer-properties {"specific.avro.reader" true} but I must be missing something

Alastair Hole15:07:55

So far I have

:value-serde {:serde-keyword   :jackdaw.serdes.avro.confluent/serde
              :schema-filename "avro-schemas/foo.avsc"
              :deserializer-properties {"specific.avro.reader" true}
              :key?            false}

Alastair Hole15:07:32

I think I have :deserializer-properties in the wrong place maybe

Alastair Hole15:07:04

It seems to work if I pass it straight to resolver/serde-resolver but I’m not sure how to do that just for a single serdes