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I'm trying to make a library that configures a number of things around vertico. I'm using use-package in the library and then calling it in using use-package and straight. It doesn't seem like anything under the :config keys in the package code is being called though. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


I've created an init function here: that does some of the work in the config bits and that seems to work if I put call it from the :config section of my init.el. Do I have to do that for all the :config sections here?


> It doesn't seem like anything is being called afaik by default, everything is lazy-loaded. i.e., :defer t. You may need to tweak :after or :commands key.


I wonder if there's a good way of diagnosing straight.el loading order.


fundamentally, I think my problem is I'm trying to create a package, but idk


I'm learning more about use-package and straight than I really wanted to 😉