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I'm looking for tools/libraries to visualize my code architecture. The idea so far is that: • I want to express the overall structure of the project (namespaces and public functions for instance) in a diagram. • I prefer to write code to get the job done instead of meticulous drawing by hand Most tools I find are UML based, which doesn't seem particularly suited. I have noticed Mermaid.js as an interesting modern candidate. Does anyone have experience with this kind of thing (i.e. modeling FP/Clojure code in a diagram) and can share ideas/tools?
I've used PlantUML before, albeit not for Clojure. Loved it. Seems relatively similar to Mermaid.
I'm the past I've had some success writing something that traversed the code looking for things like custom metadata and output some graphviz dot files ( It depends on what sort of things you want to draw I guess ;).
I think you might be interested in the same data as static analysis tools like #lsp and #clj-kondo use. That's also channels I expect you can get good responses to this question.

Ah, if you want to visualize the structure of an already existing code, there are plenty of options. Let me know, I'll dig up the links I have saved.
That metadata approach sounds interesting @U01AKQSDJUX. I was also thinking maybe some libraries exist already which utilize specs (maybe in addition).
@U2FRKM4TW I would definitely be interested in those links if you don't mind looking them up!
clograms > Clojure[Script] source code diagrams > explore and document any Clojure or ClojureScript project by drawing diagrams It's a full-on local web app with lots of features. codegraph > Generates a dot file based on Clojure/ClojureScript code. clj-usage-graph > A Clojure library that emits usage diagrams for your project. lein-hiera > Generates a dependency hierarchy graph for Leiningen projects lein-topology > A Leiningen plugin that generates the data for a Clojure project's function dependency structure matrix. lein-ns-dep-graph > a Leiningen plugin to show the namespace dependencies of Clojure project sources as a graph. Vizns > Visualize the relationships between your namespaces and dependencies clojure-dependency-grapher > script reads the ns forms from clojure files in a directory and writes out a graph of dependences Similar to the above, but works only on deps. Snowball > View the sizes of your dependencies Generate & display class hierarchy diagrams for Java classes Or just the dependencies Generate dependency graphs for variables in Clojure(Script) namespaces Useful for building own tools
Nice! Thanks for that. I think I came across Clograms btw which sounds perfect for the job. Don't know why I lost track of it.
just for extending the list of Useful for building own tools
I would add, which indexes a Clojure[Script] code base in a datascript db. Clograms is built on top of it.
That looks very useful and interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Any luck with Clograms, it’s not working for me as intended, i tried it on my projects and other famous clj libs..
what problems did you find @U03NT03HAAH? I haven't been using it for some time, but can take a look (author here)
@U03NT03HAAH @U03BYUDJLJF just released com.github.jpmonettas/clograms 0.1.139
with a critical bug fix that was making much of the functionality fail , just in case you were needing something like it
Awesome 👍 Will give a try..
The parse-*
links here all give 404. Is that just because the articles on
have not yet been created, or something technical?
There is already with this problem- ClojureDocs are for Clojure 1.10.1.
Thank you for that pointer! 🙏
So, I’m trying to understand a little bit about how clojure.core.match/match
works because I recently got a FileNameTooLongException or something like that from having a huge match
. Now, my understanding was that match
generates a bunch of lambda functions that of course each generate a class file, and the name mangling scheme produces successively longer and longer names. That was an explanation that I read online, however, when going to investigate this, I can’t figure out what they were talking about. Looking at the expansion of match
, there’s no calls to fn*
, only primitives like let*
, try
, do
, etc. So where are the lambdas coming from? In the following code, I have a super simple match:
(defn testing [x]
(match x
[a] a
[a _] a
[a _ _] a)))
Looking at the .class files generated, there’s a file$testing.class
for the actual var, file$testing$fn__277.class
for the function bound to the testing
var, and file$testing$fn__277$fn__278.class
which is a last function, but it doesn’t show up anywhere in the macroexpansion… What actually generates this last class file here?just fyi, this is a known issue although I don't think anyone has worked on it from either the core.match macro expansion or clojure class naming side
for certain kind of expressions the clojure compiler transforms them from e
to ((fn [] e))
which match may run into as well is probably the simplest ticket related to this on CLJ side (but I think there are others)
Sorry, to clarify, I’ve solved the issue by just rewriting this as a case
with some cond
s. I discovered that this was the issue when I found that old ticket actually. I’m not trying to find a solution to the problem, I want to know what in the compiler is actually generating these extra classes. I know that fn*
s generate classes, but there’s no fn*
calls in the macroexpansion of match
, so where are they coming from?
In the example above, 3 classes are generated - 1 presumably for the testing
var, one for the actual lambda bound to that var, and that leaves a third class unaccounted for by what I know about the compiler. Where is it coming from?
for complex control flow used as an expression (like let binding the result of a loop or a try/catch) the compiler will hoist the loop or try/catch into a no argument immediately invoked thunk
those things don't immediately have expression semantics in bytecode, turning them into thunks like that is most immediate way to give them expression semantics
there is at least one jira ticket about it, but it comes at it from the angle of preserving type hints for the return value of nested loops
Hmm… So in the example above there are no try
/`catch` or loop
s that have their output bound in a let*
- do you have any other examples of things that might get wrapped in thunks? There’s nothing particularly complex in the expansion here.
Yea, here’s the full thing:
(def testing
(if (let*
[and__5531__auto__ (vector? x)]
(if and__5531__auto__ (== (count x) 1) and__5531__auto__))
(let* [a (nth x 0)] a)
(if :else (throw clojure.core.match/backtrack) nil))
(if (identical? e__8036__auto__ clojure.core.match/backtrack)
(if (let*
[and__5531__auto__ (vector? x)]
(if and__5531__auto__
(== (count x) 2)
(let* [a (nth x 0)] a)
(if :else (throw clojure.core.match/backtrack) nil))
(if (identical?
(if (let*
[and__5531__auto__ (vector? x)]
(if and__5531__auto__
(== (count x) 3)
(let* [a (nth x 0)] a)
(if :else
(throw clojure.core.match/backtrack)
(if (identical?
(str "No matching clause: " x))))
(throw e__8036__auto__)))))
(throw e__8036__auto__)))))
(throw e__8036__auto__)))))))
the trys inside the catch might get hoisted, as they might when not the final expressions in the dos
I don't really recall though, and making what the jvm bytecode provides for try/catch behave like an expression is tricky
Okay, so basically things that generally map to statements in Java could potentially get hoisted because there’s no expression equivalent?
clj-701 and this core.async issue I've been working on recently actually both hinge on know what variables are free in an expression, the clojure compiler doesn't tell you that, and for the core.async issue I had to add a tools.analyzer pass to figure it out
yeah, things that are statements in java might get hoisted into a thunk to turn them into expressions when used as expressions in clojure
Hmm, okay, that makes a lot of sense. So here though all of the if
s are getting used as expressions really except the last one - the last one both branches throw
. Why aren’t all of them except that one then getting hoisted?
I think it is only
[and__5531__auto__ (vector? x)]
(if and__5531__auto__
(== (count x) 2)
where it is hoisted, because that is what the compiler calls an expression context, I think the others are all either a statement context or a return context, and maybe they don't need hoisting in those textsOkay, so something like
(if true "a" "b")
This would be a statement context, because the output of the if
isn’t used to actually do anything? Like a statement would be.
Then something like
(defn f []
(if true "a" "b"))
Would be a return context since it can immediately be returned from the function, but something like
(let [x (if true "a" "b")]
Would be an expression context because there’s no way that it can just immediately return from the function? So here the if
would need to get hoisted into a thunk?And both of these cases that you pointed out are an expression context because the output of the if
is used as the condition for another if
, so since it can’t just immediately return from that expression, it needs to wrap it in a thunk to use it in an expression context?
And both of these cases that you pointed out, the
Okay, this makes a lot of sense. But then why is only 1 class generated, and not two? Is that maybe an optimization since both classes would end up basically identical? Besides the constant being used to index the vector?
it would be an optimization, but I very much doubt the compiler does that, I don't have the compiler open at the moment, so you'll have to crack it open if you want to do anymore digging
Hmm… Well, I don’t even know where I’d start looking into the compiler to discover something like this, so I suppose I’ll have to be satisfied with this answer for now hahah 😅 maybe I’ll dig into it in the future. Thank you so so much for bearing with me and answering all my questions, this was super interesting an informative!