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Jack Gee10:05:45

Hi guys, I'm Jack from the UK. My background is in python for data analytics, engineering and science but I really enjoy tinkering with Clojure. I would consider myself a Clojure beginner after playing around with it a bit around 6months ago and getting back into it again now! Looking for all the tips and tricks, so sure I'll be visiting here a bit. Also, feel free to check out a webscraper I put together on github! Would love some feedback 🙂 Look forward to talking to you all! clojure

👋 12
Martin Půda11:05:23

Some feedback: • you don't have to repeat :require, use just one ( • strange indentation (for example in make-url - function body belongs right under the argument vector, but you have there some additional space) ( • in data->singular, you could use -> to avoid nesting and destructuring instead of let • you could rewrite is-value? with and:

(defn is-value?
  "Returns true when :value starts with a digit in maps `m` from [[map-rows]]."
  [{:keys [value]}]
  (and (string? value)
       (Character/isDigit ^char (first value))))

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@U0596F9G4DT check out the (quiet) #C064BA6G2 and (casual) #CBJ5CGE0G channels.

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