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The only thing holding me back from switching over wholesale to the VS/Calva world of milk and honey (from the dungeons if IntelliJ) is: parinfer. I’ve gotten hooked by it over the years, so is there any news on the feasibility of implementing it as a VSCode plugin nowadays in this modern miracle world? 😊 Or do the technical roadblocks still exist as before?

plus_one 2

I think we overcame the technical roadblocks in our last attempt. That adventure was largely stopped by technical debt in Calva. And that I ran out of stamina and patiens with not being able to focus on other Calva things.


Sounds like you're saying "PR welcome"? 😉


Yes, very welcome. I guess it should start with having a chat with me. I’ve spent man months on it, so might know a bit or two, if I can remember.


So it's close now to have Parinfer in Calva then? 🙂 :salivating:


I wouldn’t label it as close. 😃 Sorry. Just that I still think it’s possible. I ran out of stamina last time. I don’t think I hit an non-movable blocker.


Ah hehe, but at least there's light at the end of the tunnel where it was only darkness before. Nice.