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Hi, am I correct to in assuming that clj-kondo does not have linting support for macros in built-in nbb libraries such as promesa? I'm getting wiggling lines in my editor for promesa's let macro bindings for example


It does if you add the project to deps.edn etc


Work is in progress to improve this


ok thanks good to know this is WIP, env in concern has no access to bb so putting it as a dep in nbb.edn is not an option.


Is there a GH issue perhaps for this WIP or perhaps I can create one if not already?


I’ll get back to you, on a trip in London right now

🎉 2
Chris McCormick23:05:49

> I'm getting wiggling lines in my editor for promesa's let macro bindings for example @U012BL6D9GE You probably already know this but if you want to lint p/let as let you can use a config like this: {:lint-as {promesa.core/let clojure.core/let}} You can either put it in .clj-kondo/config.edn or as metadata in the .cljs file in question:

(ns thing
  {:clj-kondo/config '{:lint-as {promesa.core/let clojure.core/let}}})


Thanks @UUSQUGUF3. The slight annoyance here is that promesa comes with clj-kondo configs, but they are not available/not picked by clj-kondo because promesa is a built-in nbb lib.


Another workaround perhaps along the line you've suggested is to merge the promesa to the project's .clj-kondo/config.edn, and repeat for any other built-in nbb lib.

Chris McCormick05:05:28

That's a good point. I guess it would be solved in nbb could pull in Clojure libs.