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It was about a year ago that @lorilynjmiller pointed me towards Johari and the one-word positive feedback idea. Daniel Pink mentioned something similar over on LinkedIn earlier this week, which prompted me to share Jordan’s recommendation with others. Huge thank you to Jordan for making me aware of this website and for being awesome to work with. The Clojure community benefits from all of her hard work at conferences, events and more everyday!

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Thanks for the shoutout!! Omg this gets better though bc it was after participating in my session at Dutch where it was actually @U04V5V0V4 who asked if I had heard of johari/nohari. Someone who, unfortunately you didn’t have the privilege of overlapping with at Vouch but is a essential part of that story ! Fullllllll Circle 🔘 💯


Sooo it actually alll leads back to Rayrayyyy! 😂

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Since were on the topic, I will also mention I got some really great value out of the nohari exercise as well. Not for the faint of heart since it requires understanding that you are distinct from the way that people may perceive you. (same could be argued about johari as well) But reflecting on my Johari, and nohari in unison has been beneficial for me and provided me actionable insights for self improvement. Some through the exercise and some through the honest, authentic discussions that the exercises enabled. ^~^

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Cora (she/her)00:05:20

oof, the nohari


Thanks for the @ @lorilynjmiller - you’ve definitely had a larger impact on spreading awareness than I have ever done 😀