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Someone asked me, "how to break into consulting/contract work?" Since I've been a consultant/contractor for about 20 years, I understand why they asked. I don't think I have really good advice. I asked chatgpt how to find a Clojure contract/job (which smacks of desperation.) The most successful thing is networking - aka talking with people who know your work... Otherwise, I've used the job boards. You can add yourself the the web site. (which I happen to take care of) Mostly finding work a marketing and search task - which when I'm In a contract I tend not to do until the very end..... so I don't have a good answer for how to break in. Basically, look for a contract and dive in. I do use; (search for jobs or research companies, also try to make your own linkedIn page a thoughtful showcase of your work), on the google search page "clojure near me" (or variations) - google seems to find things others miss. I look at the web pages of big clojure shops in my area participating in meetups can help if you are looking to break into a specific area, like finance, then read up and tinker some (ie. plot trades) There is basically no one sure thing, other than persistence. Am I missing anything?