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Hello Where can I find very basic releational datomic schema to study and inspect, I checked mbrainz and max datoms some schemas but they are came to me very comfusing and complex.


This isn't too basic, but this project in general really helpful for studying datomic + clojure ->


Thank you so much, I will take a look on it 🙂

Dave14:05:12 is a great tool for creating your own via a cartographer file (what you see and manipulate in the browser) and outputting that file to a datomic tx file. You can keep it small and simple and related to your particular domain namespaces which I find very helpful.

👀 2
Drew Verlee19:05:53

Why do these queries return different results?

(d/q '[:find ?n
       [?n :asset-tag/id #uuid "579aba41-21b3-4acd-9715-f3ba11b5777e"]]
;; => #<java.util.HashSet@86b9d50 [[316659348802923]]>

(d/q '[:find ?n ?a
       [?n ?a #uuid "579aba41-21b3-4acd-9715-f3ba11b5777e"]]
;; => #<java.util.HashSet@2f6fb0e5 []>
I expected the later to be the same as the first. I assume this is some kind of "don't scan the full db" thing, but shouldn't it throw then?


I would also expect the second one to throw

Drew Verlee21:05:39

Maybe it is and it's getting eaten... This is something i have noticed that I'm confused by in my dev env... We're wrapping the Datomic functions so my examples are misleading..(i forgot myself for a minute) Thanks for the input.


datomic-client and datomic-peer (maybe datomic on-prem vs cloud) have distinct results on this query @U09R86PA4 i dont remember exactly which combination results in which behavior. @U0DJ4T5U1 this query should do the job

(d/q '[:find ?n ?a
       [?a :db/ident]
       [?n ?a #uuid "579aba41-21b3-4acd-9715-f3ba11b5777e"]]

Drew Verlee15:05:25

thanks souenzzo!


Hello! I'm having trouble downloading the datomic-pro jar inside a Docker container

✅ 2

I'm using deps tools, the error message is

{:type java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,                                                                      
    "org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Connection is broken: \" Connection refused (Connection ref
used): localhost:4335\" [90067-171]",                                                                                   
    :at [java.util.concurrent.FutureTask report "" 122]}


I've tried publishing ports 4334 through 4336 to no avail


Just realized it did download the jar (it was the last one to be downloaded). The error happens when trying to run the actual code, which is a whole different thing