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Ben Sless17:01:48

Tried to take RCF for a spin today and I had some issues with its behavior when generating a test. I wrote a failing case, lein test didn't report it as a failure, and when I used cider-run-loaded-tests it reported it ran it as a test function but it didn't fail From reading the documentation and skimming the source I'd expect it to behave like any other test I defined with deftest assuming *generate-tests* was true

Dustin Getz18:01:02

it sounds like a configuration or classpath issue out of band of RCF to me, do we know how lein test detects tests and what cider-run-loaded-tests does? they may have restrictions on file naming conventions and folder placement that RCF ignores

Dustin Getz18:01:59

Can you confirm if this entrypoint style works: {:aliases {:test {:jvm-opts ["-Dhyperfiddle.rcf.generate-tests=true"]}}} clj -M:test -e "(require 'example)(clojure.test/run-tests 'example)"

Ben Sless18:01:26

I'll try to set up several examples with various degrees of complexity and see when it breaks