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{:quoted} is a good option but it is on the sql/format level so it will affect all identifiers.
Why not declare the JSON operators to Honeysql and then just use them as "functions"? Maybe I should add them all by default...
I am trying to perform some join using HoneySQL and when putting some condition and merging sql-query map it is failing due to dependency on the other table in query. Is there a way to force the order of the joins in the map? Details below in thread.
(defn join-account-id [base-query account-id]
(if account-id
(merge base-query
{:join [[:account :a] [:and
[:= :pl.location_id [:cast [:raw "a.con->>'location_id'"] :bigint]]
[:= :pg.group_id [:cast [:raw "a.con->>'group_id'"] :bigint]]]]})
(defn raw-query-gen [i-key db-function-to-use]
(sql/format {:raw (str db-function-to-use "('" i-key "', now() - interval '24 hours')")}))
(defn fetch-roster-query [i-key account-id db-function-to-use]
(-> {:select [:p.*]
:from [[:person :p]]
:where [:= :p.instance i-key]
:left-join [[:person_location :pl] [:= :p.location_id :pl.location_id]
[:person_department :pd] [:= :p.department_id :pd.department_id]
[:person_group :pg] [:= :p.group_id :pg.group_id]
[[:raw (raw-query-gen i-key db-function-to-use)] :person_result]
[:= :p.person_id :person_result.person_id]
[:result :r] [:and [:= :person_result.result_id :r.result_id]
[:= :r.is_excluded [:raw "'FALSE'"]]]]
:group-by [:p.person_id]}
(join-account-id account-id)
(sql/format :quoting :ansi)))
(defn fetch-roster [i-key account-id db-function-to-use]
(jdbc/execute-one! @db/data-source
(fetch-roster-query i-key account-id db-function-to-use)
{:builder-fn result-set/as-unqualified-maps
:return-keys true}))
(fetch-roster "TEST" true "results_for_instance_v2")
;; => Execution error (PSQLException) at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl/receiveErrorResponse (
;; ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "pl"
;; Position: 57
(fetch-roster "TEST" false "results_for_instance_v2")
;; => {:identity {:first-name "first1", :last-name "last1", :employee-id 1}, :instance "TEST", :location_id 1, :person_id 1, :group_id 1, :custom_data {:surname "Wow", :test "Name"}, :last_daily_screening_reminder nil, :old_id nil, :department_id 1, :created_at #time/instant "2022-02-16T14:40:25.314411Z"}
(fetch-roster-query "TEST" true "results_for_instance_v2")
;; => ["SELECT p.* FROM person AS p INNER JOIN account AS a ON (pl.location_id = CAST(a.con->>'location_id' AS bigint)) AND (pg.group_id = CAST(a.con->>'group_id' AS bigint)) LEFT JOIN person_location AS pl ON p.location_id = pl.location_id LEFT JOIN person_department AS pd ON p.department_id = pd.department_id LEFT JOIN person_group AS pg ON p.group_id = pg.group_id LEFT JOIN results_for_instance_v2('TEST', now() - interval '24 hours') AS person_result ON p.person_id = person_result.person_id LEFT JOIN result AS r ON (person_result.result_id = r.result_id) AND (r.is_excluded = 'FALSE') WHERE p.instance = ? GROUP BY p.person_id,,," "TEST"]
whenever i execute the query with account_id = true, it fails with below error
;; => Execution error (PSQLException) at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl/receiveErrorResponse (
;; ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "pl"
;; Position: 57
and with account_id = false it works fine (when the other query is not joined).
Please suggest how to move forward - can share additional details if not clear.(as always, I highly recommend reading the docs from cover-to-cover -- nearly every question asked about HoneySQL these days is answered in the docs)
thank you @U04V70XH6 i did missed reading those. Have to make some more changes for it to work on my query.
(defn join-account-id [base-query account-id]
(if account-id
(update-in base-query [:join-by] conj
[:join [[:account :a] [:and
[:= :pl.location_id [:cast [:raw "a.con->>'location_id'"] :bigint]]
[:= :pg.group_id [:cast [:raw "a.con->>'group_id'"] :bigint]]]]])
(defn raw-query-gen [i-key db-function-to-use]
(sql/format {:raw (str db-function-to-use "('" i-key "', now() - interval '24 hours')")}))
(defn fetch-roster-query [i-key account-id db-function-to-use]
(-> {:select [:p.*]
:from [[:person :p]]
:where [:= :p.instance i-key]
:join-by [:left [[:person_location :pl] [:= :p.location_id :pl.location_id]
[:person_department :pd] [:= :p.department_id :pd.department_id]
[:person_group :pg] [:= :p.group_id :pg.group_id]
[[:raw (raw-query-gen i-key db-function-to-use)] :person_result]
[:= :p.person_id :person_result.person_id]
[:result :r] [:and [:= :person_result.result_id :r.result_id]
[:= :r.is_excluded [:raw "'FALSE'"]]]]]
:group-by [:p.person_id]}
(join-account-id account-id)
(sql/format :quoting :ansi)))
used update-in
and join-by -- If PostgreSQL users could add links to relevant docs and/or examples of operators they use a lot, that would be helpful.
I added a link to the in the issue
FWIW recent Postgres versions also have functions to substitute most of these operators.
@U7PBP4UVA Do you know what’s the equivalent function of -> ?