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From the Matrix side, @colliderwriter, I will go check if this has succumbed to bit rot: That unifies HTML/CSS, localStorage, an async timer, Bide routing, and XHR handling in a unified reactive dataflow. brb.


Haha, I broke Matrix two days ago improving the diagnostics! No good deed...brb.


All better. 😅


I did find mxweb referencing an old mxxhr and fixed that. Still no luck. Then I gave up and bumped all the version numbers. But now I am wondering what happens if I deploy B which uses A, and then change A, and my app uses A and B. Anyway, not a figwheel issue. Sorry for the noise.


thanks for the reply, will read with interest


Oh, sorry, I meant my last post here to close out a question I had raised in the figwheel channel. Anyway, the aforementioned rxTrak project should build/run OK. btw, It got cosmetically awful when I got fancy with the auto-clock and "overdue" indicator, but I wanted to sneak that in as an example of how an app can be elaborated over time with new features, without much fuss. Enjoy.


ps. rxTrak is fine for those content to read code, but this write-up of a small app using the JS version of Matrix is chattier: DM me or continue on the #matrix channel if you have questions.


I just published this sample repo using helix with react-hook-form, fulcro for global app state, transactions, and networking, and subscriptions to get reactive UI




thanks! been iterating on this sort of stack for a while now, feeling like I am finally settling on something useful/good. Really appreciate you creating and sharing helix! Love the design of just letting you use React and getting out of the way.


Look awesome @U051V5LLP, thanks for this repo. Have you check refx (


yep I saw it! great to see other innovation in the space. I don't agree with putting app-db as a static defonce (precludes use in clojure as just one downside), but have been thinking about adopting refx for the event side of the app (`dispatch`) and then implementing a :fulcro effect for mutations. I think the purity of events/effects is quite nice for testing and fulcro doesn't have a good solution for side-effects from a functional programming point of view, but it's pretty low priority right now.

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I have tested refx with datascript here ( Works fine.


right, you can achieve the same with re-frame - just put the datascript db under a top level key. You don't really need refx to work with helix. My subscriptions lib still uses reagents' reactive atom namespace, but none of the UI code. It adds ~9kb to the release build


> You don’t really need refx to work with helix. Yes but I like re-frame subscription, events, etc... and how manage global app state without re-frame, etc...? with react context?


sorry, i meant you can use re-frame with helix just fine, the missing piece is subscriptions however - so you would need a react hook to get re-rendering working. for that you can copy the hook in refx or in my subscription lib

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