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Good morning 🙂


good morning


It was an incredibly close general election in Denmark yesterday. There is no clear winning coalition, so we could possible end up with a centre coalition which we have never really had before. I haven’t watched Borgen, but I’m told this is basically what happens in that TV show…


Decent show, as I recall


Let's hope it work out better than in the Netherlands.


Good morning

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There is definitely some similarity!


We all love CLJ interop powers but what are some good use cases that can be coded up purely in Clojure and therefore be simpler to teach?


at the beginner end, modelling card games is pretty good - you have to deal with business logic, a game loop, and the game state, which means dealing with the whole epochal state model - i.e. swap! with a function that ticks the game forward. i've found it front loads alot of great learning. also, cheap thrills like using shuffle on a deck-of-cards 😂


yeah - that's good advice 🙏:skin-tone-3:. I was teaching my young adult son Clojure and we did some games - he loved doing that - but got put off as we started to do more Java interop. So maybe I'll just stick with games!!

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