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I am staring at a build issue involving a few of my libraries being pulled from clojars. Two are snapshots. Each has been changed and redeployed, and I can see them on the Clojars interface. When I do a lein deps (this is a lein project.clj app) I see new deploys pulled down. I do a lein clean and the target subdir disappears. All good. Then I do a lein fig:build and an earlier version of a snapshot gets pulled in, which I can see by inspecting the new target code and when the app crashes, in the console debugger code display. What cache am I missing? I could bump the version number, and will do so if necessary, but is it necessary? Thx!


I did check to see if diff libs pulled in old versions, and fixed one that did, but no improvement. The deal is there is a core lib matrix used by libs mxweb and mxxhr, and mxweb uses mxxhr as well. The app project rxtrak uses the three mx libs. Again, version numbers have been aligned. Of course this is about snapshot versions, not my lib version numbering.


Hmm, "External Libraries" in the rxTrak project directory survives a lein clean, and has an old version of the snapshot. Am I doing sth wrong? Should I just delete External Libraries?


Hang on! "External Libraries" is sth IntelliJ is showing me! Hmmm....


Looks like I did a lein install at some point, prolly frustrated by snapshots not being honored, so I grabbed the nearest hammer. Got past that issue, anyway.