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hi, there! i’ve put 2 Fulcro apps in one page for the first time, and something weird started to happen to rendering, looks like a race-condition between the apps, as either one of the randomly skips rendering on state updates, maybe anyone encountered this? happens for both keyframe and ident renderers, :force-root? true
doesn’t help
I’ve mounted two mount points from the same app, but not two apps before. The only thing I can think of that isn’t ideal for multi-apps on a page is if they both have components with the exact same fully-qualified names. That would cause the two apps to register component classes in the same registry, which would cause problems. I never liked the limitation the registry causes, but there are several features that are very difficult without it. That said, if you’re using the same code base you should really be using multiple mount point*s, not multiple apps. You can always do code splitting to dynamically load the parts if your app is getting too big, and the component registry actually makes *that much easier.
multiple mount points seem suitable for my case, thanks, i’ll try that out! and yes, I’ve also thought of component-registry being shared, but those apps have disjoint sets of full-qualified component names and i checked the registry by hand and it looks fine also, remounting both apps after the first transaction somehow fixes the problem
@tony.kay i’ve tried to use multiple mount points, but if i understand correctly, i should use the same root for both mount points, as every app is bound to exactly one root, right? but then i don’t quite understand how i would distinguish between those mount points and render different things on them
and it seems like the app is also bound to exactly one mount node?
Sorry, I was mis-remembering. I had remounted the same app between two different mount points.
what is your use-case, and would portals work, since they can mount on external mount nodes from a single app?
the use case: we have two panels, one is contained in a div managed by a 3rd party lib (this lib manages its dimensions, so it must be there), and the other is contained outside of that 3rd party lib div (also a hard requirement, as otherwise it’s intertwining with event listeners etc) thus, we need 2 mount points simultaneously, and it would probably be pretty hard to contain this lib inside one all-consuming fulcro root (it’s a game engine)
Mount the main app, then use a react portal to put the component of interest on the other div.
oh cool, didn’t know about portals, looks like a way to go, thanks! hope it won’t mess up the event bubbling...
Note that react uses synthetic events that are all placed on the doc body. If you want an easier time of it, you might try preact. I just pushed a snapshot (3.1.23-SNAPSHOT) that will allow that if you add the following your your shadow-cljs build:
:hooks {:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js/hooks"
:asset-path "/js/hooks"
:modules {:main {:entries [other-demos.hooks-demo]}}
{:resolve {"react" {:target :npm
:require "preact/compat"}
"react-dom" {:target :npm
:require "preact/compat"}}}
:devtools {:after-load other-demos.hooks-demo/start
:preloads [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.preload]}}
The main incompatibility I’ve found is that if you map over children, you’ll have to wrap that with (clj->js) to turn it into a js array…preact doesn’t use sequence walking like react does
the reason I mention this is two-fold: preact doesn’t use synthetic events, so it might be less painful there. Also preact seems faster to me.
@tony.kay yeah, i’ve already had a funny time dealing with react events, thanks! swapable renderer is very cool
technically, with advanced optimization, I’d sort of expect the two app registries to end up with different minified names, so that conflict might not occur under release builds.
The again, if it is the same source base, you should be ending up with the same classes in the registry, so that would only break things if you had two builds, and two js files, loading in the same page in dev mode.
@tony.kay I just did a test using the hooks support, I noticed its missing the part of setting context, I had to wrap my render with comp/with-parent-context
, otherwise fulcro keeps complaining, I did a quick look on the code but I guess you may already know the best place to put the render wrapper
@wilkerlucio you sure? Another person is using them I thought, and I’ve heard no complaints…I would think that would have just made them broken…
yup, latest fulcro, my code:
(fc/defsc ParserAssistant
[this {:ui/keys [query-editor index-explorer]
::ui/keys [active-tab-id]}]
{:pre-merge (fn [{:keys [current-normalized data-tree]}]
(merge {::id (random-uuid)
::cp/parser-id :base
::ui/active-tab-id ::query
:ui/query-editor {}
:ui/index-explorer {}}
current-normalized data-tree))
:ident ::id
:query [::id
{:ui/query-editor (fc/get-query query.editor/QueryEditor)}
{:ui/index-explorer (fc/get-query index.explorer/IndexExplorer)}]
:use-hooks? true}
(fn []
(initialize-parser-assistent this)
#js [])
(fc/with-parent-context this
(ui/tab-container {}
(ui/tab-nav {:classes [:.border-collapse-bottom]
::ui/active-tab-id active-tab-id
::ui/target this}
[{::ui/tab-id ::query} "Query"]
[{::ui/tab-id ::index-explorer} "Index Explorer"])
(case active-tab-id
(query.editor/query-editor query-editor)
(index.explorer/index-explorer index-explorer)
(dom/div "Invalid page")))))
no, render is a problem here, maybe because I'm missing hooks and non-hook components?
all the children are regular old components
if I remove the with-parent-context
I get:
weird…you’re using that component’s this
to fix it? I wonder if hooks is more likely to use async parallel react rendering?
yup, for a quick look in the code, it may be missing setting the dynamic things, but I'm not sure
also I don't think its async, async would not work anyway with dynamic vars (I guess)
let me try priting some of the dynamics
to see if they have stuff
yeah, confirmed, no dynamic bindings
(fc/defsc ParserAssistant
[this {:ui/keys [query-editor index-explorer]
::ui/keys [active-tab-id]}]
{:pre-merge (fn [{:keys [current-normalized data-tree]}]
(merge {::id (random-uuid)
::cp/parser-id :base
::ui/active-tab-id ::query
:ui/query-editor {}
:ui/index-explorer {}}
current-normalized data-tree))
:ident ::id
:query [::id
{:ui/query-editor (fc/get-query query.editor/QueryEditor)}
{:ui/index-explorer (fc/get-query index.explorer/IndexExplorer)}]
:use-hooks? true}
(fn []
(initialize-parser-assistent this)
#js [])
(js/console.log "BEFORE" fc/*app* fc/*parent*)
(fc/with-parent-context this
(js/console.log "AFTER" fc/*app* fc/*parent*)
(ui/tab-container {}
(ui/tab-nav {:classes [:.border-collapse-bottom]
::ui/active-tab-id active-tab-id
::ui/target this}
[{::ui/tab-id ::query} "Query"]
[{::ui/tab-id ::index-explorer} "Index Explorer"])
(case active-tab-id
(query.editor/query-editor query-editor)
(index.explorer/index-explorer index-explorer)
(dom/div "Invalid page")))))
yeah, I did
Im using as a workspaces card
so its wrapped and the wrapper is a regular fulcro component, and it makes a factory for the child as well
really strange. the bindings are done at the very top…factories put the bindings onto this
so with-parent-context will work
@tony.kay I'm not sure the factory does what you are saying
(defn factory
"Create a factory constructor from a component class created with
([class] (factory class nil))
([class {:keys [keyfn qualifier] :as opts}]
(let [qid (query-id class qualifier)]
(fn element-factory [props & children]
(let [key (:react-key props)
key (cond
key key
keyfn (keyfn props))
ref (:ref props)
ref (cond-> ref (keyword? ref) str)
props-middleware (some-> *app* (ah/app-algorithm :props-middleware))
;; Our data-readers.clj makes #js == identity in CLJ
props #js {:fulcro$value props
:fulcro$queryid qid
:fulcro$app *app*
:fulcro$shared *shared*
:fulcro$parent *parent*
:fulcro$depth *depth*}
props (if props-middleware
(props-middleware class props)
(when key
(gobj/set props "key" key))
(when ref
(gobj/set props "ref" ref))
;; dev time warnings/errors
(when goog.DEBUG
(when (nil? *app*)
(log/error "A Fulcro component was rendered outside of a parent context. This probably means you are using a library that has you pass rendering code to it as a lambda. Use `with-parent-context` to fix this."))
(when (or (map? key) (vector? key))
(log/warn "React key for " (component-name class) " is not a simple scalar value. This could cause spurious component remounts."))
(when (string? ref)
(log/warn "String ref on " (component-name class) " should be a function."))
(when (or (nil? props) (not (gobj/containsKey props "fulcro$value")))
(log/error "Props middleware seems to have the corrupted props for " (component-name class))))))
(create-element class props children)))
{:class class
:queryid qid
:qualifier qualifier}))))
for what I understood so far, the one doing it is the defsc
, but wrapping the :render
and I'm guessing its missing for the hook part
yeah, I'm still trying to find where it calls the wrap-base-render
that's the thing I'm guessing its missing
the wrapper on 1232
seems to add extensions, but not the base things that wrap-base-render
The factories copy them into the react elements for the cases where you need them async
I see that happening on configure-component!
, which is not called for the hooks version
line 387
does it in the configure-component!
but in this case there is nothing about async, does it?
have to re-establish Fulcro dynamic bindings from various entries…and setState is async
now that they’ve standardized Context (wasn’t in React 15) it is tempting to revisit that and see if it can be simplified,…it’s really ugly
oh, no, context would actually not be great either, since we need dynamic bindings like parent
, which change as you traverse the tree
I didn't played that much with context, seems pretty similar, if the async parts can make it easier, could be interesting
right, that’s the part that I’m thinking might be useful…since it’s a built-in feature of React, we don’t have as much to worry about in terms of them changing how rendering works
is important to render optimizations on our end, though, and *parent*
is needed by things like localized-dom.
you making a patch for hooks @wilkerlucio?
@tony.kay not yet, but I can give a go to it later
@wilkerlucio try 3.1.23-SNAPSHOT
@tony.kay Is there a way to get the current report params inside an ::report/row-actions
action? Other than instance -> app -> look it up manually in the DB? Hm, from BooleanInput
it seems that params are in the props...
@tony.kay just tried, with this version I can't load my app at all:
seems like any->app
is not working on this
in this context
ok, well, I don’t have any more time to play with it…I’ve pushed those changes…feel free two tweak
it’s strange that I wrote this code when I did the original work, and it worked, including txes.
I have a bug finger XD haha
but no worries, I'll have some time to look on it a bit later today
I'll send a PR with the progress
@tony.kay maybe you didn't hit the bug because you are not using localized css?
the component that was complaining here was a simple UI component (just css)
@tony.kay related to that, on my side I wrote a use-effect
that's a bit different than yours, mine looks like this:
(defn wrap-effect [f]
(fn []
(let [res (f)]
(if (fn? res)
(defn use-effect
(useEffect (wrap-effect f)))
([f args]
(useEffect (wrap-effect f) (to-array args))))
given in cljs we are always returning things, and use-effect
only accept fn
or undefined
also, using to-array
instead of clj->js
is faster and less intrusive (keeps internal CLJS things, need to test if that has a good comparator)
I'm talking about:
(defn use-effect
"A simple wrapper around React/useEffect that auto-converts cljs arrays of deps to js."
([f] #?(:cljs (js/React.useEffect f)))
;; TODO: optimization: if this were a macro we could convert literal vectors at compile time. See DOM macros.
([f deps] #?(:cljs (js/React.useEffect f (clj->js deps)))))
yeah, I'm thinking about the convience usage from use-effect
we may want to have the original clojure datastructures there (not converting to JS)
yeah, just thinking about the common usage pattern
as a cljs fn, I like to use CLJS structures, using #js there feels weird
(if it is to use #js there, might just go strait to the react version)
so a lot of cases are working…the child, for example, can transact…it’s a call to a use-state’s update function that seems to cause issues
(and the optimized renderers do that in order to update the component’s props side-band)
@wilkerlucio try that snapshot again
@tony.kay testing in a bit, but just to clarify, in my case I wasn't using useState
at all
so, it is possible there other others. If you find one, a repro in the hooks-demo ns on that branch would be appreciated
@tony.kay now I'm getting The required namespace "com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.preload" is not available.
nevermind, I think its a dep cache issue