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Juλian (he/him)19:11:58

Magit problem: I'm just trying out Emacs for a project and am quite happy with it. I can commit and it even used my gpg key to sign the commit. But when I try to push to the remote server, it doesn't seem to use my ssh key and fails. Is there anything I have to set up for ssh+pubkey auth?

Juλian (he/him)19:11:36

128 git … push -v codeberg refs/heads/main\:refs/heads/main
Pushing to 

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Juλian (he/him)19:11:54

that's the error I get


You should check the URL for the repo and make sure it is using ssh

Juλian (he/him)20:11:50

looks like it did miss an environment variable after all. since gpg-signing worked, including pinentry, I thought those were okay. I solved it adding the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable: export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)

👍 1
Juλian (he/him)20:11:22

sorry for the noise