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David Vujic22:11:44

Do you have any recommendations for infrastructure, where should things like terraform/aws cdk live? Some setup is probably project specific, and other used by several (such as a message broker/queue).


We have a top-level build folder containing non-Clojure stuff for "infrastructure" (if I'm understanding your question correctly).

👍 1
David Vujic23:11:57

That seems like a good structure! Where I currently work, the teams work with Microservices in separate repos. They use kubernetes and a lot of tools with it + infrastructure and configs. I will demo polylith for the teams there shortly and am thinking how their setup would look like with Polylith. Top level folder(s) would be a nice fit I think.


Any Clojure code -- even for infrastructure -- is going to live within Polylith's structure, but any non-Clojure files -- that aren't resources used directly by Clojure code -- can live in the (mono) repo outside the bases/`components`/`projects` structure.


(strictly speaking our repo has build, clojure, documentation and our Polylith stuff is inside clojure but frankly that's a pain in the ass for a lot of tooling and I am getting closer and closer to just lifting the stuff out of clojure to the top-level... but to add confusion we have a clojure/build folder right now that I need to decide what to do with! fixed! 🙂 )

gratitude 1
👍 1

I have a problem with redefined vars when linting two implementations of the same interface using clj-kond. I have even disabled this linter for the interface, and even though it passes locally, it still fails on github actions. What am I doing wrong? UPDATE: It comes out I didn't put the rules to disable this linter in both implementations. However, this doesn't explain why then it was correctly running locally...


Another legacy subproject bites the dust!

   18 bases 386 files 63384 total loc,
   119 components 586 files 49036 total loc,
   19 projects 0 files 0 loc,
  total 972 files 112420 total loc.
Migration 90.67% files 84.20% loc

❤️ 4
polylith 3
🚀 1

You refactoring work is exciting to observe 🙂


And inspiring


   18 bases 386 files 63394 total loc,
   118 components 583 files 48591 total loc,
   20 projects 11 files 496 total loc,
  total 980 files 112481 total loc.
Migration 91.67% files 84.26% loc


(I just refactored some legacy "build" stuff into the development project and realized my stats script wasn't counting that)


We are so far from that, but someday 🙂