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Hello! Is it possible to make Cursive always run tests via the REPL (cf. when I click the green arrow next to deftest or the green double arrow next to ns ,,,-test? I know I can go via the "Tools" menu, but I got quite accustomed to clicking the green arrows. Firing up a whole test runner for my current project takes quite some time, so I would like to know a convenient way to run tests via the REPL in a similar manner.


There isn’t at the moment, no, but I get that people would like that option. I’ll think about ways to achieve that.

❤️ 3

What I did was bind the run and re-run commands to ^Q and shift-^Q. Iteration heaven. I can even use ^Q when I have navigated to different source file and made a change. I almost never take the trouble to customize key bindings, but here I saw a bigggg win.

🙏 1

I created an issue for this, so the request can be found outside of Slack:


is there any way to suppress warnings output to the REPL from Clojure or Java code over which one hasn't got control ?


if it's Java code that uses java.util.logging, I've used the following in the past to suppress messages:

(import '[java.util.logging Logger])

(.setLevel (Logger/getLogger "org.javacode.mylib.MyClass") java.util.logging.Level/SEVERE)
But this requires you to know the name of the class triggering the warnings, which isn't always obvious or easy to discover if it's somewhere down in your dependencies.


sadly it's not


it's actually coming from C code fprintfing to stderr