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What’s the best way to go about debugging this issue?

datomic.client.api/transact                   api.clj:  200
                       datomic.client.api.protocols/fn/G             protocols.clj:   72
                     datomic.client.api.sync/eval2257/fn                  sync.clj:  104
                           datomic.client.api.async/ares                 async.clj:   58
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@2580d230::DecryptedEndPoint@642196d5{l=/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXX,r=}
    cognitect.anomalies/category: :cognitect.anomalies/unavailable
     cognitect.anomalies/message: "HttpConnectionOverHTTP@2580d230::DecryptedEndPoint@642196d5{l=/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXX,r=}"
• It’s an exception that is thrown periodically. Maybe once every few hours or so. • We have “Basic” monitoring enabled • Running these stacks: & • Nothing in the dashboard seems to look out of place or correlate with when these exceptions happen. • No alerts in the logs or anything else that looks out of place. • No cloudwatch alarms • It’s happening in our production and staging environments which are completely separate deployments on different AWS accounts. • Maybe it’s just a hiccup in the network however it seems too frequent. I’m considering persisting the exception in-memory and then interrogating it through a remote REPL. There is no monitoring enabled for API-Gateway. Maybe I could enable that? Any other ideas?

Joe Lane18:11:07

• Is this happening while you're transacting? Querying? Both? • How long is this request taking before it returns this exception? • What size instance are you using? • Do you have query groups or are all of these requests going to your primary compute group?


• Is this happening while you’re transacting? Querying? Both? ◦ Transacting • How long is this request taking before it returns this exception? ◦ Hard to tell, although it appears to be not long at all. < 100ms • What size instance are you using? ◦ t3.small - Dashboard shows CPUUtilization around 2% and memory below 800MB • Do you have query groups or are all of these requests going to your primary compute group? ◦ We have a compute stack and a storage stack only. So no query groups I believe

Joe Lane19:11:08

@U3XCG2GBZ Why don't you open a with us and we can check it out after the break?