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Ben Hammond11:11:19

Hi. Trying to find the datomic-cloud repository that is hosting 1.0.119 The datomic-cloud repository link on takes me to which I find unexpected and the old

:mvn/repos {"datomic-cloud" {:url ""}}
just isnt working for me.... what is the new repo url?

Ben Hammond11:11:33

oh its

com.datomic/ion {:mvn/version "1.0.59"}
that I have the problem with

Ben Hammond11:11:01

this is on Windows 11

Ben Hammond11:11:12

maybe that is my problem...

Ben Hammond12:11:17

PS C:\Users\ben\dev\clj\foobar> clj
Downloading: com/datomic/ion/1.0.59/ion-1.0.59.pom from datomic-cloud
Downloading: com/datomic/ion/1.0.59/ion-1.0.59.jar from datomic-cloud
Error building classpath. Could not find artifact com.datomic:ion:jar:1.0.59 in central ()

Ben Hammond12:11:34

could it be an aws permissioning thing, I wonder

Ben Hammond15:11:38

I can manually copy the files from my (working) ubuntu box to my not-working Win11 box which will have to be good enough for now

Ben Hammond16:11:28

(oh its Turkey-Dinner day isn't it)

Ben Hammond18:11:19

wishing you happy turkey dinner days


@U793EL04V IRCC you have to have some aws perms. Do you have AWS Client installed?