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whats the point of having -update and -comp in malli.core? -comp unrolls more arities than clojure.core/comp, so I'm guessing it's a perf thing. But -update is the same as 3-arity clojure.core/update.


yeah, -comp is a perf thing, -update… can’t recall. looks like it’s not that useful atm.

👍 1

Have you seen this error message while running a Malli-based codebase through Cloverage?

No implementation of method: :-type of protocol: #'malli.core/IntoSchema found for class: clojure.lang.PersistentList
don't know how to fix that


...I fixed it by commenting out these lines we had: ^{:type ::m/into-schema} that pattern was sort of mindlessly copied from the Malli impl. What does it intend to do? Is it safe for us to remove?


it's safe to remove. It's only used for pretty printing the the reified this.


thanks! out of curiosity, do you have a sense of why that particular error is triggered? Does overriding ^:type have some sort of code-evaluation semantic to the clj compiler? Otherwise :type ::m/into-schema seems fairly 'inoccuous' to me, I don't see how it can trigger this issue