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Hello everyone, I've wrapped up at my current role so now I can spend full time on updating and adding more content to and finishing off that was put on hold due to my continuing Covid illness. I'll also be sharing many lessons learned from my last few commercial roles with Clojure, especially around the REPL workflow. If there things you would like to see, please let me know or add to my Things close to the top of my TODO list include • more about the Clojure development workflow, especially around Clojure CLI and, • making the most out of supporting Clojure development tools like kaocha test runner, clj-kondo, clojure-lsp, cljstyle, makefiles, MegaLinter, etc • Move the CI content away from Heroku (no free tier available any more) to an alternative service • Add a section on using Docker for local system integration and within CI & deployment workflows, also some nice docker desktop tools I've been using • Update the book and document all the plugins I've chosen and how I'm starting to become more productive with Neovim - also need to find a Git client I like in Neovim • Lots of updates to Spacemacs, especially videos on showing how do things that aren't always obvious. I love magit but there are somethings that you kind of have to guess at until you get used to how it works, although its very consistent once you understand its idioms • Building HTTP services and APIs with reitit ◦ reitit-ring routing and handlers ◦ Validating requests with clojure.spec (maybe marli if I have extra time, although I am more familiar with clojure.spec currently) ◦ Production ready services, using integrant for component management and injecting persistence and other services into request handling, options for running the JVM ◦ developing a service / api with Integrant REPL and aero for a reloaded workflow (I found this tricky to understand in detail at first, so will create a lot of content around this) ◦ event logging and tracing with mulog, different publishers and supporting tools like potemkin (the maintainer docs are very good, so will focus more on video content) ◦ calling external APIs with http-kit client

gratitude 4
😍 1
metal 1
❤️ 2