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hello again! is there anything special that needs to be done for cursive to pickup lein middleware? i have this working with both emacs and vscode but with cursive i get an error trying to load the project. i'm trying to load my middleware version-from-git and hitting this error:

STDERR - Error: cannot resolve leiningen.git-release/version-from-git middleware 


A new version of clojure-extras (add-on to Cursive) was released to the marketplace (0.4.5): It has the newest clj-kondo and fixes a couple of issues. Thank you @brcosta!

👀 2
👍 2

What in the project.clj governs what paths are added to Excluded Folders under the Project Structure? For some reason the path . keeps getting added in one of my projects, which then removes everything and I have to keep manually removing it everytime leiningen synchronises...


There have been issues like this before, see e.g. But there is a check there which should prevent that from happening now.


The current list of things which get excluded is: target dir, checkout dir, cljx output-path (probably not using that any more), cljsbuild compiler output-dir. Are you using any of those?


This is my :cljsbuild:

:cljsbuild {:builds
              {:dev {:source-paths ["src"]
                     :compiler {:main example.core
                                :optimizations :whitespace
                                :output-to "./Code.js"
                                :output-dir "target/dev"
                                :pretty-print true
                                :externs ["resources/gas.ext.js"]
                                :foreign-libs [{:file "src/entry_points.js"
                                                :provides ["example.entry-points"]}]}}
               :main {:source-paths ["src"]
                      :compiler {:main example.core
                                 :optimizations :advanced
                                 :output-to "./Code.js"
                                 :output-dir "target/main"
                                 :pretty-print true
                                 :externs ["resources/gas.ext.js"]
                                 :foreign-libs [{:file "src/entry_points.js"
                                                 :provides ["example.entry-points"]}]}}}}
If it's not that then I could paste in the whole thing... The :output-dir in :cljsbuild is targeting a subdir "target/{dev,main}" so not sure why this is happening... The only other keys I have defined in the defproject are:
:description :url :min-lein-version :dependencies :plugins (which only contains lein-cljsbuild) :source-paths and :clean-targets


I'd normally not prod the channel but this behaviour in cursive is pretty frustrating as it keeps ignoring my entire project every time lein refreshes... > The :output-dir in :cljsbuild is targeting a subdir "target/{dev,main}" so not sure why this is happening...


Are you able to send me your whole project.clj? You could DM it or email it to <mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]> if you don’t want it to be public.


I'd normally not prod the channel but this behaviour in cursive is pretty frustrating as it keeps ignoring my entire project every time lein refreshes... > The :output-dir in :cljsbuild is targeting a subdir "target/{dev,main}" so not sure why this is happening...