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Anyone has experience with e-ink monitors such as the one from dasung or boox?

šŸ’² 1
Ben Sless09:01:00

I have a dasung, ask away

Martynas Maciulevičius09:01:19

Woah. That can run games šŸ˜„


Are you able to work (say use emacs) with it, or it's mostly to read documentation? Also what about dead "pixels" and expected lifetime ?


Did you ever try/see a boox to compare?


I read somewhere that they support to up to xx million refreshes, which is ok for reading but is a bit scary for something like editing


How bad is input latency? And font rendering?


I am very tempted by a dasung/boox-mira, I am trying to convince myself e-ink is not ready yet for this kind of usage :)

Martynas Maciulevičius23:01:43

But it won't display any syntax highlighting. What would you do about this?


I like using a theme without syntax highlighting every now and again, it helps me look at the code with fresh eyes


I quite like themes that are just shades of gray from time to time


There's a decent one in doom themes, I think it's plain-dark or stg

Ben Sless14:01:31

If you experience fatigue staring at a screen all day, it's nice, but the screen won't hard refresh which will get slightly smudged after some time

Ben Sless14:01:58

I think it's better if you have to read lots of papers or an eBook rather than programming


Anyone knows about any tool that prints or build my project code in a tree, showing all namespaces hierarchy?


Something like

|-- foo.baz
|-- foo.qux
    |-- bar.baz


one of my favorite things about clojure is that in normal codebases there's a 1:1 mapping from files to namespaces, which means that in most projects $ tree would give you nearly the same information as any actual clojure tool would


I assume under the hood it uses tool.namespace to get the dependencies as a data structure, so you could probably print out a text tree easily enough from that data structure?


unless you want a graph of how one namespace uses another namespace, yeah


thanks you @U04V70XH6,sounds perfect to my case


@U051SS2EU yes, the issue is that I want to see which namespace calls other


thanks for the tip anyway


OK - that can't possibly be a tree is very unlikely to be a tree


(that's the thing that led me on the wrong track there)


It seems ns-graph doesn't work for deps.edn projects :(


@UKFSJSM38 Sure it does:

(! 595)-> clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {ns-graph/ns-graph {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -M:rebel
[Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info
user=> (require '[ns-graph.core :as g])
user=> (g/depgraph* {:name "next.jdbc" :source-paths ["src"]})
user=> (System/exit 0)

Fri Jan 14 16:41:15
(! 596)-> ls -l graph.png 
-rw-r--r--@ 1 sean  staff  2564932 Jan 14 16:41 graph.png

Fri Jan 14 16:41:18
(! 597)-> open graph.png 
which produces the following:


Oops! I expected that to render inline.


oh, that's odd, let me try again


Hum, maybe something is missing on my machine


probably graphviz, the exception doesn't help though


Installing graphviz fixed my issue, thanks @U04V70XH6 :)


Based on clj-kondo analysis and work with deps.edn: The latter is more fine grained and does it on the var level


Oh, I'll give it a try, thank you borkdude!


@UKFSJSM38 morpheus also visualizes re-frame stuff, at least, @U0508JT9N was working on that and added stuff to clj-kondo for it


In my case I was looking for just namespaces relationship for now to help some refactor on the codebase arch


But sounds really cool morpheus


I'll try vizns

Sam Ritchie21:03:08

gah, wrong thread!


do people have recommendations on web servers for static content? ease of use is more important to me than maximal performance.

Jon Boone23:01:38


Jon Boone23:01:58

If leveraging cloud services, why not use CDN?


I want a bit more control over my environment than delegating everything to the cloud provider's CDN, plus my VPS doesn't offer CDN delivery of content hosted on object storage


I'm hoping I can get a workflow going of rsync over ssh + fast reloading for rapid prototyping on a live website without having to push everything through a git host + ci build + etc


with python it's literally a one liner if all you need is the bare basics

python3 -m http.server


I can't vouch for security but it works


I'm looking for something a bit more robust than that - was considering something like caddy but I may just decide to throw a clojure web server into production


I use github pages for static hosting. And I use one of those static site generators. Right now the thing is gatsby


what does "robust" mean here?


"suitable to serve content to the internet at a real domain name", I think


nginx for example is industrial grade and the config for serving a directory is simple


I think the question about "robust" gets moved to "suitable" - is the concern about security? fault tolerance?


many people seem to use npm for this sort of server, I have no experience with it


security mostly, scalability somewhat, being able to reload config changes seamlessly is nice to have - I guess this is all probably pointing me in the direction of nginx


github pages is quite nice. is github pages also gives you the ability to have a jekyll site. Most of the stuff I write on I write directly on github as markdown files.


I currently use GitHub pages and am currently migrating away from it. I appreciate that GH pages provides a lot of people with ease of use, but I don't want to tie my publication workflow to a VM spun up on demand for a GitHub Actions CI workflow. My preference is for greater control over my environment and faster feedback, so I'm willing to put some additional work into setting that up if I need to. Plus, if you want to use a custom domain with GH pages and a public repo, your CNAME record gets messed up if anyone forks your repo.


You might want to try Netlify, it's quite easy to setup with a custom domain name.


@UFTRLDZEW so far I really like Cloudflare pages that I started using for my blog:


I don't really have anything against CDNs per se, but I did intentionally ask for recommendations on a web server and gave examples of what I was considering, and why. CDNs are not web servers, so they are not what I am looking for. I understand CDNs are nice for a lot of people, but it's not particularly helpful to me to be repeatedly directed away from the specific thing I'm asking about, especially when I said more than once that I wasn't looking for a CDN.


You mentioned that you are migrating away from GitHub pages: > I don't want to tie my publication workflow to a VM spun up on demand for a GitHub Actions CI workflow. My preference is for greater control over my environment and faster feedback, so I'm willing to put some additional work into setting that up if I need to. I migrated away recently and have found Cloudflare pages to be a really nice and powerful alternative. I perfectly understand if this is not a good solution for you but perhaps you should describe your problems in more detail.