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Hello! I'm having this extremely weird error and dropping it here if anyone has some ideas what could be happening: This is my nvim config: I recently converted it to using fennel wanting to try it. All seems well apart from ConjureEvalCurrentForm with ,ee seems to behave extremely weird. When I open up a clojure or fennel file and try ,ee, the existing code evals as expected but as soon as I type in something new it has this silent error. There's no output or anything and is just silent. Only happens with new code I've typed. Its quite a 🤯 for me! This works fine with pretty much the same code in Lua! I'm new to fennel and its tooling and really liking it would really love to try it and any help is much appreciated! 😄


Happens with both aniseed and hotpot, currently using hotpot.


Hmm I've never seen that, the only thing in Conjure that runs on cursor move it is the stuff that closes the HUD or clears the inline virtual text. I think I've seen some people run into issues when using directory listing plugins (the ones that look like sublime / vscode's tree on the left). As Conjure iterates through the buffers I think sometimes they can dislike being inspected and throw things. Although I think I addressed all of those issues.


I suspect it's the floating HUD window... which Neovim version are you using?


Ah, 0.7+ according to your readme


yep, on the latest one


So I'd actually check other plugins first, like your config for your linter


That runs on text changedd


Definitely make sure stuff like that is okay


yeah i think i did too much of a change at once and trying smaller changes now and hopefully narrow it down. Will report back what i find! Thanks for all the awesome work and help! 😄


If you can comment out a bunch and be left with just Aniseed / Conjure and still reproduce it (I'd be surprised!) I'll try to repro myself and dive into it. I would feel confident putting money on it being another plugin but I've been unpleasantly surprised in the past 😅


Also is it every language? Could be to do with LSP servers or something if it's just some of them?


Also make sure any Tree Sitter setups you have are up to date! Especially if you update Neovim, run TSUpdate or Sync or whatever it is. I've seen outdated tree-sitter stuff causing issues since Conjure relies on it now if it's there. (if you've never touched treesitter, ignore this)


Have been fiddling around and I think its some wierd conf that I cannot narrow it down to. I have a branch lua where i took the complied lua and made it same as the handwritten one and it seems to work. also probably has nothing to do with fennel i think. i was able to get the same issue sidestepping hotpot and using the compiled lua directly this morning


all the plugins are always latest for me 😅 im one of the first to report issues if any 😛


Did you work it out in the end? 👀 I'm curious!


Well i took the compiled lua and set it back to the way it was and it all works now! 😅 Not too sure what was up. Current main branch in the repo works. But since this was hampering work kept it in this state now, will try moving it to fennel piece by piece and see if I can get to the issue. Also seeing the other conversation here maybe which-key had something to with it too! I do use it and something couldve been wrong in the fennel translation. :thinking_face: Will take a stab at it this weekend hopefully. Thanks again! 😄


Also there's hotpot's aggressive caching of the lua bytecodes, although great for startup time, better than impatient, could be doing something to the issue too maybe?


Fairly sure nothing to do with fennel like I was thinking initially.