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A lot of stuff in browser produces a promise of a chan. How do you test these functions in unit test? I cannot blockingly take from a chan or something?
There are async tests:
How would I use something like in reagent?
I started with this import ["@react-midi/hooks" :as midi-hooks]
but I'm unsure on how to call the useMIDI()
function in a way that doesn't cause an error.
Step 1: Make sure that what you imported is what you expect to see and not undefined
or something else
Step 2: Consult
Awesome, this works:
(defn example []
(let [aaa (midi-hooks/useMIDI)]
(js/console.log aaa)]))
(defn home-page []
[:f> example]])
Thank you as always!Ever wondered the “best” way to interop with javascript? Should you use “dot special form” or goog.object
? Do you need to type hint when using dot notation? how does this relate to Advanced Compilation? Well turns out, there IS a correct answer to all of these questions! and you can find out why during tomorrow’s episode of where we will be covering some clojurescript intricacies that you won’t want to miss! Join the channel #the-clouncil for the zoom link!

I have wondered this! and it is not documented afaik so I wrote up some stuff here:
and tl;dr my preferred interop style is the dot
style (
but unfortunately that won't survive advanced compilation (open issue
will be interesting to see what the clouncil has to say on this
A similar question was asked a few months ago. I want to embed some data, perhaps 1 or 2 MB, in an HTML page that is a basis for an SPA. What is the best? Meta with a content value with an EDN or transit+JSON string? Or perhaps a script tag? Or a data tag? Are there some limits or significant performance implications with either approach?
I'd go with a <script>
tag with application/transit+json
Not EDN because it would be larger and slower to parse it.
Why can I write both:
(js/console.log "hey")
(.log js/console "hey")
(.send um-one-output [0x91, 60, 0x7f])
but not
(um-one-output.send [0x91, 60, 0x7f])
(the latter examples have some objects defined by me, but I suspect is the same for all user defined objects?)seems to work fine
(def x #js{"my_fn" (fn [a] (.log js/console "HI" a))})
( 200)
IIRC the last example breaks on optimized builds, something to do with externs inference.
And it works properly with js/*
stuff because that stuff already has externs.
I myself don't use a.b
syntax at all unless it also has js/
in front of it. And even then, it's pretty much only js/console
stuff that I sprinkle around during development.
Thanks guys, where is the fact that I can write js/console.log
documented? I hope to find the caveats there
Here: But it's rather base-bones in this regard. I think there's an issue about the externs issue that I described.
if you want to dive in, you can trace the calls from here:
If i'm following correctly the analyzer will output a map with :op :host-call
which is emitted here:
that analysis fn analyze-dot
has some externs checks so maybe that's where the bug is that Eugene mentioned?
interop stuff doesnt have much official doc afaik. I wrote this which mentions issue:
thanks @U051V5LLP I added a comment to that issue with your info.
it's something I'd like to see addressed and may look at fixing it myself at some point
oh nice! thanks @U051B9FU1 Might drop in and ask Mike if he knows : )
Hi all! So I'm currently working on a project that pulls sass, clj and cljs assets from the java classpath via a dependnecy jar. Specifically, the sass was being compiled via sass4clj/jsass/libass, but those are now deprecated, and jsass throws errors on an M1 mac. Seems like it's time to move on. Dart-sass is now the reference impl for sass, but I haven't seen a lot of examples on how to use it as part of a cljs build. Anyone have an pointers or resources? Ideally I'd like to be able to pull resources from a jar and compile them via the dart sass compiler.
> I haven't seen a lot of examples on how to use it as part of a cljs build
Just use it as a separate tool.
I ended up writing a CLJ script that I run with shadow-cljs run
that shells out to sass
That gives you flexibility where you can pull anything from anywhere since it's all driven by CLJ code.
You could also call sass
from Shadow:
Something like
(let [cmd ["npx" "sass" "--watch" "-I" "../foobar/src/scss" "-I" "."
process (-> (ProcessBuilder. ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String cmd))
(.start process))
But in this example sass
process isn't killed if java process is killed, though it stops on ctrl-c. I have better version somewhere.Doesn't help with requiring resources from classpath though. I've just copied the few lines of css I might have from some clj libs into the project. Mostly just using deps from npm.
@U2FRKM4TW, @U061V0GG2, thanks very much, I am already using shadow in our build, so the approach you two recommend looks very promising. The shelling out was the missing piece, I think. I should be able to filter the classpath for sass resources/directories, and launch any watch tasks from there.
Here is a full Shadow watch with Dart Sass example: