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Hey friends, I'm trying to discover why my ignore hints aren't working, but don't know even how to start debugging the issue. I'm using the "2022.02.09" version of clj-kondo.
config-in-ns is only available in the last version, so it's very strange that that would work, unless you're using clj-kondo via a downstream tool like clojure-lsp
Yes, I'll get the version of clojure-lsp I'm using, maybe the bug was already fixed by the way. Thanks @borkdude
$ clj-kondo --lint - <<< '#_:clj-kondo/ignore (defn- foo [])'
linting took 13ms, errors: 0, warnings: 0
~/Projects/Work/my-app (container-info *) $ lein lint
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Retrieving clj-kondo/clj-kondo/2022.04.25/clj-kondo-2022.04.25.pom from clojars
Retrieving org/babashka/sci/0.3.2/sci-0.3.2.pom from clojars
Retrieving org/ow2/asm/asm/9.2/asm-9.2.pom from central
Retrieving org/ow2/ow2/1.5/ow2-1.5.pom from central
Retrieving org/ow2/asm/asm/9.2/asm-9.2.jar from central
Retrieving org/babashka/sci/0.3.2/sci-0.3.2.jar from clojars
Retrieving clj-kondo/clj-kondo/2022.04.25/clj-kondo-2022.04.25.jar from clojars
test/com/my_app/my_ns/some_test.clj:79:1: error: #' is private
linting took 140ms, errors: 2, warnings: 0
@marciol I recommend using (#'my-ns/private-var 1 2 3)
instead, then clj-kondo will not warn
oh, that's a macro right? you could try :lint-as {! clojure.core/binding]
as you can use private vars as bindings in JVM Clojure as well without warnings and clj-kondo respects this
Hi, it looks like every use of &
for rest/spread (not sure what it's technically called) is linted as an unresolved symbol? I don't think we've had any changes to our config recently that I'm aware would affect this.
Any smells to follow? Any workarounds for the meantime?
Example lint error:
Unresolved symbol: &

Repro please. A screenshot and example lint error is not a repro we can do much with. Are you able to make an example file we can lint locally?
Ah, your answer indicates this is not a known, or common user error, or some such thing, which is mostly what I had hoped for. I'll try to figure it out myself for now, and will reach out with repro if it persists. Thanks for responding so quickly and being down to help troubleshoot as usual!!!
In case you were curious, strangely, this is the result of something within the intersection of Calva, c-lsp, kondo and whatever peculiarities of our codebase working correctly now when it hadn't before.
The &
error was in fact not an false positive for rest/spread like kwarg args passing, but actually the usage of the special &
"operator" within lilactown/helix
I ended up writing a couple hooks for helix
to get everything working as expected.
Thanks for everything again!
fantastic, good work @U037TPXKBGS!
3 questions about hooks if you don't mind:
1. what's the diff between reg-finding
and simply throwing? your doc doesn't differentiate I think
2. looking thru the rewrite-clj
docs and noticing all the talk of the zipper
API, it does look nifty. Would the kondo use-case make sense for providing the zipper API? Or have I maybe misinterpreted its intended use case?
3. I wanted to also catch and provide error diagnostics for cases of, for example, passing maps as children to be rendered in helix
components. I can do that most trivially by checking if there's a map-node
as a child somewhere, but that doesn't work if the map was bound to a symbol/var elsewhere and then the latter is instead passed, making it a token-node
. Is there anything I can do within a linting hook to maybe "resolve" references "1 or 2 levels deep" for error purposes?
2. the zipper API was exposed in the past, but I ended up removing it because I didn't find it very useful for hooks, but might add it back if people want it
Do you mind if I submit a PR for adding some of this stuff/my learnings to the hooks docs?
@borkdude would love help knowing how we can enable similar linting for the generated symbols in
That is, users typically import/require syms from that ns and use em like (d/div {:some 'props} "some children")
. It has similar linting rules as $
, but I don't know how to tell kondo
to lint every sym as such. Any ideas?
@U04V5V0V4 you could do this using :lint-as {helix.dom/a$}
Ah, and could I do that as part of a helix PR, such that when consumers update to whatever helix version includes the new hooks/lint configs, they don't have to copy over every dom/*
Also dragging in @U4YGF4NGM for his take
> btw I think you've tagged the wrong fellow
Would you be open to a special lint-as*
type key in config.edn
that would accept something like:
:lint-as* { helix.dom/* helix.core/$ }
tbf I cannot think of another use-case beyond this specific one, but if there'd been interest in the past by other, I'll cast a small vote into that pool 😛I've solved this for namespaces like this: So you can define a group using a regex and then use the group name in the config. We could do the same thing for vars
Oh cool, yeah that looks promising! It's not the biggest personal priority, and I'll see how @U4YGF4NGM feels about the upcoming big-ol-list of :lint-as
that I'm opening, but if there's a way I can help out in your suggestion, lmk!
So something like:
{:var-groups [{:regex ".*" :name all}]}
{:lint-as {helix.dom/all helix.core/$}}
Yep. Any clue what an exclusion override might look like with that? Eg in this helix case, almost all exported syms are applicable to $
-like linting, except one or two of em.
Maybe it should look like:
{:var-groups [{:regex "helix.dom/.*" :name helix.dom/all}]}
Another question, in this helix case again, there are some platform reader tag-based syms exported, eg
#?(:clj (defmacro some-macro ...))
Would this lint those?Hey @borkdude I'm sorry if this is dumb as usual etc. but couldn't discern much from the hooks docs. Also, I lack knowledge of the correct jargon, so forgive that as well:
My hooks are overall working nicely, but inside fn calls that I've written the hooks for, symbols imported from other ns's like (nsname/some-fn ...)
are linted as errors with Unresolved var: nsname/some-fn
. Any pointers or smells as to what my hooks are doing wrong?
Are those nsname/some-fn
references treated as just raw symbols or something, and not as imported/namespaced ones? FWIW there are no lint errors for the same fns/symbols outside of my hook'd fns.
Inside my hook, those sorts of things are expanded as (api/token-node whatever-the-symbol-is-verbatim)
. Should I be using a different approach to those nodes, or making use of ns-analysis
@U037TPXKBGS 👋 "dumb as usual" not at all! :) The hook expands into code and then clj-kondo takes over as if the user had written that code. Perhaps you could just try to make such a fully written out example, without hooks, and then see how that's working.
hmm, I'm guessing you mean by throwing in a (prn (api/sexpr my-hook-return-val))
in my hooks and paste it in from cli?
Well, that's assuming my hook is written correctly, right? That it accurately outputs what I would have written by hand?
Okay... I didn't do anything, but a manual cli lint + couple of clojure lsp restarts later, and it's no longer false-positive-ing the symbol references... wtf lol
DIdn't change any config or anything, and already restarted lsp server tons of times in the past 30 minutes
what’s the right way to get kondo to not complain about hiccup? i added a lint-as for hiccup.def/defelem and hiccup.def/defhtml, but i am still seeing unresolved symbols for things that were created with defhtml, and unresolved vars for things like hiccup.form/text-field
(defmacro defhtml
"Define a function, but wrap its output in an implicit html macro."
[name & fdecl]
(let [[fhead fbody] (split-with #(not (or (list? %) (vector? %))) fdecl)
wrap-html (fn [[args & body]] `(~args (html ~@body)))]
`(defn ~name
~@(if (vector? (first fbody))
(wrap-html fbody)
(map wrap-html fbody)))))
(defmacro defelem
"Defines a function that will return a element vector. If the first argument
passed to the resulting function is a map, it merges it with the attribute
map of the returned element value."
[name & fdecl]
`(do (defn ~name ~@fdecl)
(alter-meta! (var ~name) update-in [:arglists] #'update-arglists)
(alter-var-root (var ~name) wrap-attrs)))
(defelem text-field
"Creates a new text input field."
([name] (text-field name nil))
([name value] (input-field "text" name value)))
(defn foo
(h.form/text-field {:class "hello"}))
gives me an unresolved var on h.form/text-fieldi did a restart workspace, and have
{:list-as {hiccup.def/defelem clojure.core/defn
hiccup.def/defhtml clojure.core/defn}}
what i posted above, both being treated as clojure.core/defn — for kicks i tried to use the def-catch-all for defhtml, but same thing
Hey @borkdude I'm sorry if this is dumb as usual etc. but couldn't discern much from the hooks docs. Also, I lack knowledge of the correct jargon, so forgive that as well:
My hooks are overall working nicely, but inside fn calls that I've written the hooks for, symbols imported from other ns's like (nsname/some-fn ...)
are linted as errors with Unresolved var: nsname/some-fn
. Any pointers or smells as to what my hooks are doing wrong?
Are those nsname/some-fn
references treated as just raw symbols or something, and not as imported/namespaced ones? FWIW there are no lint errors for the same fns/symbols outside of my hook'd fns.
Inside my hook, those sorts of things are expanded as (api/token-node whatever-the-symbol-is-verbatim)
. Should I be using a different approach to those nodes, or making use of ns-analysis