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I wonder if there's a way of solving this: when I reload the browser page (using shadow-cljs), portal loses theme customizations and the taps added with add-tap. What's the recommended way of dealing with hot reloading in shadow-cljs?


I'm assuming this is via portal.web, if so, it would be hard to preserve the tap-list since those values live in memory on the page that's being refreshed. If you want to preserve those values across page refreshes, you can send them to a remote instance of portal 👌

R.A. Porter01:05:49

Pointing to a remote instance retains the tapped values, but still loses the taps, unfortunately. I'm sure there's a way to have shadow re-init them by default; I just haven't spent enough time trying to figure it out.


I might write this up as a separate guide :thumbsup:

🙌 1
😍 1

What are the relative tradeoffs of using a standalone portal instead of a cljs one? Do you lose some possibilities of interaction?


With portal.web, you get access to runtime js objects / commands. So if that isn't something you are leveraging, it might be better to use a remote instance