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Volodymyr Anokhin08:05:28

In doom I can set the debug instrumentation with SPC-m d d , but to remove the instrumentation I have to press C-M-x . I would expect the second SPC-m d d should work as well? Anyone could hint me where to look? OK, it should be cider-eval-defun-at-point , not another cider-debug-defun-at-point, I really have to read the docs.


Yeah, to remove the instrumentation you simply have to eval the definition in question normally with cider-eval-defun-at-point.

👍 1

I'm not familiar with the Spacemacs keybindings.

Volodymyr Anokhin14:05:05

This is SPC m e d in Doom


Is there a way to use cider-jack-in-clj&cljs when using separate deps.edn and shadow-cljs.edn for managing dependencies? When running the jack-in command it seems to only use the dependencies in the specified command and not the other. I am currently working around this by jacking in in two separate sesman sessions but I would like to stop having to manually switch between the REPLs (e.g. when last having focused the clj repl and then switching to cljs file, I need to first focus the cljs repl before C-x C-e works).