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Is there a way to use declare inside of a function to do forward references?


why inside of a function?


just put it top level outside of the function


I’m building a map inside of the function that holds functions which make lookup calls on the map itself. Works perfectly right now; I just need to wrap it in a function now


but you aren’t using vars. so what does declare get you?


can you post a code snippet?


Yeah, it’s for Advent of Code:

(declare monkey-graph)
(def monkey-graph
  (into {}
    (map (fn [entry]
           (let [value-delay (delay (->> entry :deps
                                      (map (fn [dep]
                                             (let [monkey-graph-v (get monkey-graph dep)]
                                               (if (delay? monkey-graph-v)
                                                 (deref monkey-graph-v)
                                      (apply (:fn entry))))]
             [(:monkey entry) value-delay])))


letfn might be of help.


I’m looking to bind to the map name and not a function name though…maybe I’m missing what you’re suggesting


Clojure is not lazy. You cannot get from monkey-graph while building the map that is monkey-graph


Correct. I’m using delay and just derefing after the map is built though, so this works fine


For part 1, at least, it works fine But maybe it’s a garbage design because if I do so much as an assoc on the map then things aren’t guaranteed to work


ah i got you. and what function needs to be declared?


Oh, I was just going to wrap this in a function because I like to avoid top-level ns declarations and wasn’t sure if there was some way to pull this off


For the sake of what I’m doing, it’s not essential and it sounds like there’s nothing immediately obvious in Clojure that would support this of which I’m unaware


I’ll probably switch to using an agent or something like that instead


you could have a function return this map? If you use reduce you can just look into the map you’ve already built up. And do a topo sort so all of the things you need are known to be defined already


as this stands it seems you risk blowing up because things could mutually depend on each other?


but your current design returns delays and doesn’t actually do computation at a top level so perhaps it’s not as heavy as you might think


You may want something like this version is made to compose things via map and mapcat but if you simplify and delete bits you can get to something that just does normal function application

👍 1

@U0M7A18V6 In case you didn't know, there's #C0GLTDB2T for folks discussing AoC problems and solutions.


Would I be able to write mobile apps using Clojure in some way or another?

Joshua Suskalo19:12:30

Some can be made using react-native using CLJS

Joshua Suskalo19:12:15 is a good place to start if you don't want to write code native to any specific platform.

Joshua Suskalo19:12:51

It can be rigged up to figwheel to allow you to have a repl onboard the mobile device you test on.

Benjamin C19:12:18


chef_kiss 3
Benjamin C19:12:11

I'm currently writing an app for a client right now with it and the matrix library, it's been fantastic! Be sure to use the beta-hotreload sha, it really helps with the feedback loop until we get a proper repl.

Benjamin C21:12:32

Even with being young and perhaps a little rough around the edges, it's still miles ahead in DX compared to my expo project I did last year. Not to mention a lot smoother and smaller. Also, seems to be much better than NPM so far. :D

Al Baker21:12:43

what's up with

-T is no longer supported, use -A with repl, -M for main, or -X for exec

Al Baker21:12:59

lots of examples have it... did this get removed recently?


Which CLI version?

Joshua Suskalo22:12:02

this is the result you get from very old cli versions, like the ones distributed by debian or ubuntu.

Al Baker22:12:38

thanks, I uninstalled and re-installed via homebrew and that corrected it


And brew lets you keep it updated easily. Good choice.


You can also get the latest version via:

curl -O 
# or:
curl -O