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Let’s say that I have an attribute set to :db/fulltext true, and the content is “this is it guys”, why would the fulltext query, only match “guys” and ignore the rest of the words in that string? This is the query i am using btw, and :f-text/value is the attribute that was set to :db/fulltext true.

(d/q '[:find ?id ?value
       :keys id value
       [?p :f-text/id ?id]
       [(fulltext $ :f-text/value "this") [[?p ?value]]]]
     (d/db @conn))

Joe Lane05:12:51

@U9BQ06G6T "this", "is", and "it" are common "stop words" in lucene, the fulltext-search library Datomic uses. These stop-words are filtered out when Lucene analyzes strings. This post has more details and links.


Hi @U0CJ19XAM thanks for you reply, I got to that same conclusion as well, thanks for the time taken t reply though.


Does anyone know if there’s a way to configure the size limit for the request body in a datomic ions env? We’re handling some file uploads and anything above 8MB gives us a “413 (Request Entity Too Large)“. That seems to match http-kit s default, but I don’t know if that’s what ions use under the hood and, if that’s the case, whether we have control over it?


best to avoid it altogether. you can use a pre-signed url to handle the upload with an event bridge hook back to the Ion lambda. Ion can also generate the pre-signed url using the Java SDK


Seems like that’s the way forward 🤷 I wanted to avoid going down that path for now, since it’s existing functionality we’ll have to rewrite, but oh well Thanks for the reply!