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Did this happen when you started a project that uses the core.unify library, either directly because you explicitly requested it, or if you didn't request it, then probably because you requested a library that in turn depends upon it?
My first guess is that somehow your project is attempting to use an older version of core.unify, one that has a small syntax error that has since been fixed in a later version, and you are using a version of Clojure 1.9 or later that is more picky about its syntax checking of some expressions.
That guess is based upon seeing the first line of the file you linked: "clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core/fn at (clojure/core/unify.clj:83:18)." (plus seeing this kind of issue happen before)
If you see a syntax error during macroexpanding something like clojure.core/fn, clojure.core/let, clojure.core/ns and a few other things in clojure.core, that is a likely cause.
What were you trying to do immediately before that error appeared? e.g. were you running lein repl
to start a Leiningen REPL, perhaps?
@i I see leinjacker
in that stacktrace -- it depends on core.contracts
which in turn depends on core.unify
-- so you may just need to ensure you're using the latest version of leinjacker
(which depends on core.contracts
0.0.6 which uses core.unify
0.5.7 which I believe has the fix Andy is referring to).
This page shows that core.unify
0.5.6 (and, presumably, earlier) had a bug that was detected by spec and is fixed in 0.5.7
this is my core.clj
this is my project.clj
i would like to anticipate that the trace should show me from where in my core.clj file that things go wrong.
but the trace now seems only show the point of error occurred in the lib, omitting the stuff of my core.clj.
@andy.fingerhut i was doing lein ring server 3002
It is entirely possible, even likely, that the problem occurred before a single line of code in your core.clj file was read.
because reading core.clj isn't the first thing that the lein ring server 3002
command does.
Also, if you want to make it easier to determine from a stack trace whether your code is involved, or not, you could rename your core.clj file (and the namespace created within it) to something more distinctive, like soul_talk.clj
for now, is the only approach being modifying the verison number of each page to be the latest?
What is the output of lein deps :tree
? That shows a "tree" of libraries, and what depends upon what.
You could look through that output for core.unify, then its parent that caused it to be brought in, then its parent, etc. until you get to a project that is in your project.clj file explictly.
That might be a more targeted approach rather than updating them all to the latest versions.
Also, if you do ever use LATEST, you likely want to get rid of all of those at some point when you want a stable collection of software that has been tested together. Otherwise every time you resolve LATEST again you might get a different version.
yup. now the issue is resolved. i would replace with exact version in productuion code.
Actually clj will not detect that anything has changed and will just continue using the cached classpath, so using LATEST is somewhat dangerous in that way
You can use -Sforce to force a recompute
So I've been trying to get this code to OutOfMemory:
(defn do-concurrently2
[tasks c handler]
(let [executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool c)]
;; Submit tasks to run concurrently.
(doseq [task tasks
:let [handling-task (comp handler task)]]
(-> executor (.execute handling-task)))
;; shutdown executor once all tasks have been processed
(-> executor .shutdown)
(-> executor (.awaitTermination Long/MAX_VALUE TimeUnit/DAYS))))
From all that I know, since the fixedThreadPool uses an unbounded queue, this should OOM if you were to submit too many tasks
Yet even if I constrain my Xmx to like 100m, and give it a million tasks which all have a 1 second sleep, I don't OOM
Is the collection tasks
you are passing in a lazy sequence, or fully realized before calling do-concurrently2? If fully realized, that might be most of the memory that needs to be allocated anyway, and the queue of the Executor is a minor amount of memory over that?
I was able to get it to throw an OutOfMemory exception with 1 billion entries in the tasks sequence, a lazy sequence, c=4, and all tasks do nothing except (Thread/sleep 1000). I added some more printing to your do-concurrently2, and it showed that even with -Xmx100m, it was still able to enqueue over 700,000 of the tasks before the OOM occurred.
After that OOM exception is raised, the executor keeps going, gradually finishing tasks. The JVM didn't exit.
We are facing problems with our Travis-CI. The build fails as it is not able to pull dependencies from maven
the error is
`Could not transfer artifact org.clojure:tools.reader:jar:1.2.2 from/to central ( ): Access denied to: , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden.)
Has anyone else faced this problem before?I saw this yesterday:
Could not transfer artifact org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.5.1 from/to central ( ): Access denied to:
I have been facing this for 2 days now. Have retriggered the build at least 10 times 😓
thanks @U051F5T93
Hello! Can u help me? I'm trying to use incubator strint to have string interpolation and, when I define the string before calling the macro <<
it doesn't work... how can I workaround that?
(let [a "x"
b "y"
qry "select ~{a} from ~{b}"]
(<< qry))
;; "qry"
is a macro and it expects a string literal. You gave it the symbol qry
which got casted to the string "qry"
and because there's nothing to interpolate, that was the output.
PS: I would just use str
and format
in clojure.core for simple string interpolation.
besides the performance thing...
I can't... because I need to build a string for different cases... I mean, the ideal for me is delay the interpolation because a cascade of rules...
i've tried... but... same thing.
it returns "(str qry)"
it returns the original string, but without the interpolation done
What I can see from source code is it expect a thing that will be read as #^String
reader... but I coudn't figure out how to overcome that..
you might be able to make a macro to eval it before assembling the list, but don't ask me how.. I'm not good with macros
Yeah the fundamental problem here is that <<
is a macro, so it works purely based on syntax at macroexpansion time and cannot have access to the local qry
you can get around this by using eval
, basically invoking the macro at runtime - but this would take away any performance benefits
I believe this should work
(let [a "x"
b "y"
qry "select ~{a} from ~{b}"]
(eval `(<< ~qry)))
😞 no... " unable to resolve a in this context"
Are you sure you can't use str
or format
in some way here? Most likely it would be simpler and more idiomatic than macro wrangling
I was using format, but I got to a point where <<
will be more simpler e suitted for different "cases" inside this function where I'm working..
in face of this issue, what I have done so far was duplicating code... instead of def that string and calling the interpolation later, I'm duplicating the code inside the if
far from ideal, but I need to continue..
(if pby
;; will generate a list of vectors as [partition-id query]
(map (fn [[part-key sec]]
(let [qry (if (.contains opts* :row-count)
(<< "select '~{tbl}^~{part-key}' as \"uid\", '~{tbl}' as \"table\",'~{part-key}' as \"partition\", count(1) as \"row_count\" from ~{tbl*} t ~{ftr}")
(<< "select ~{uid}, current_date as \"_extract_ts\", t.*, '_' as schemahash from ~{tbl*} t ~{ftr}"))]
[part-key (string/trim (str qry (if (empty? ftr) " where " " and " ) sec))]))
(let [qry (if (.contains opts* :row-count)
(<< "select '~{tbl}' as \"uid\", '~{tbl}' as \"table\", null as \"partition\", count(1) as \"row_count\" from ~{tbl*} t ~{ftr} group by 1,2,3")
(<< "select ~{uid}, current_date as \"_extract_ts\", t.*, '_' as schemahash from ~{tbl*} t ~{ftr}"))]
(list [nil (string/trim qry)])))))
if I could def before and interpolate later, I could avoid this second if...
if (.contains...
because there is a case inside a case...
maybe it would be cleaner if you could express the query as a vector of strings and "interpolate" by substituting keys from a map
(defn kwdsub [mapping xs]
(apply str
(for [x xs]
(if (keyword? x) (mapping x) x))))
(kwdsub {:a "x" :b "y"}
["select " :a " from " :b])
;; => "select x from y"
this way you get to use regular map and sequence operations to build up the query instead of local vars and string manipulations
I wouldn't be surprised if there is already a SQL library out there that does this in a more sophisticated manner
it's nice! I'll try! Thank you very much, man!
is for compile time string interpolation. Are you able to use format
at run time instead? Or build up strings with str
It's a better idea to use an SQL library for this anyway, and use SQL parameters to pass values to the DB
has any used a Scala library from Clojure? I'm wondering about how best to use
yeah I've heard that it's incomplete
I'll take another look at it
I was testing HTTP endpoints and used the http-kit client ( which worked well.
I’m using async
from clojure.test
(actually cljs.test
but same principles should apply) and wondering if there’s a way to either add a timeout for that block or if I implement my own timeout calling done
, a way that I can check how many assertions were made in that block.
sounds like something a fixture should be able to do
for both
a fixture takes your test as an argument, and can wrap it in whatever context it likes
the number of assertions run is tracked by clojure.test via a dynamic var
a timeout could be imposed by flipping a switch inside the fixture while running the test async
Would I still write the async
block in the deftest
itself, or wrapping the call to f
in the fixture?
I think still wrap the deftest body in async - I'm not sure thought
If you have a conversion function that takes e.g. a collection and emits a map, what’s the preferred style for naming those?…
We like to name maps like type-of-key->type-of-value
, and naming a function like collection->type-of-key->type-of-val
seems pretty gross…
You could of course do (into {} (map (juxt thing1->thing2 identity)) collection-of-thing-1)
I suppose?
Or just (zipmap (coll-of-thing-1->coll-of-thing-2 coll-of-thing-1) coll-of-thing-1)
Best way I've found is to make an abbreviation like key-value-map
. Then you can add a prefix like make-
or create-
, or add a suffix like -generator
, -factory
, -builder
I think it also helps to use Plumatic Schema so there is a machine-readable way of specifying and enforcing the shape of the output map.
Any one happen to know if there's already something out there like core.async/timeout but with a higher resolution than 10ms?
I wrote a timer chan that emits ticks using a juc scheduled thread executor for more or less this reason
Nice, I think I'll have to scale down to ns but this is definitely a cleaner idea than the nonsense I was planning 😂
also, with immutable data structures, the make-
prefix is just noise - either it returns one that already existed or makes a new one, either way it's safe to use
same goes for the -factory
suffix - unless specified otherwise, assume something returns data you can use