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Drew Verlee05:09:02

Does this seem like an issue or i'm I confused about the proper behavior?


  ;; cider eval and replaceing this ...
  {'f/a 1
   'f/b 2}

  ;; gives this
  #:f{a 1, b 2}

 ;; and i expected this
  {'f/a 1
   'f/b 2}

;;because #:f{} if for a fully qualified map, and 'f/a is a symbol



user=> (keys '#:f{a 1})

Drew Verlee05:09:36

i don't understand.

Drew Verlee05:09:59

err, i guess i do.

Drew Verlee05:09:16

you know, my real question, the one that put me on this path, is why is deps using a symbol instead of a keyword.