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Hey, is there any way of selecting profile on cider-jack-in? On deps.edn project

dpsutton14:09:44 details cider-clojure-cli-aliases`` which should be what you want


you mean together with .dir-locals.el ? or there is any fancy way of asking for selection


no fancy way of asking for selection. For one-off’s you can use a prefix arg when jacking-in to manually edit the jack in string in the minibuffer. Otherwise you’ll need to set that cider-clojure-cli-aliases in dir-locals.


When running multiple REPLs and using sesman-link-with-buffer to attach Clojure buffers to them, the sesman sessions seem to survive after the REPL buffers are killed. I only have a single REPL open now, but sesman-link-with-buffer gives me four options, and none of my buffers is connected to the sole actual running REPL. Is there a way to clean up these stray sessions without restarting emacs?