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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)14:09:02

I have an interesting problem with a custom repl sequence in, namely its afterCLJReplJackInCode. It seems to work fine locally but fails in Gitpod (see the button I don't see any details other then a line that the afterCLJReplJackInCode failed. Any tips on troubleshooting? 🙏


It is quite strange... As a ways of troubleshooting, what I usually do is to try the commands at the REPL prompt, or in a rich comment. Doing that with this project, I notice something super weird. The REPL prompt is a ClojureScript REPL, regardless if I toggle it to be a Clojure REPL. I am guessing that that is why the evaluation fails. If I load server.clj, the REPL window prompt gets to be a proper Clojure REPL, and then I can evaluate the afterCLJReplJackInCode forms. I can't figure out why this would happen on Gitpod... For now I think the workaround could be to put the forms in a Rich comment in server.clj and instruct users to load that file and then evaluate the forms from there. This is notoriously hard to debug. And now when I tried it a second time the afterCLJReplJackInCode evaluation succeeded... Smells like a race condition.


Something is wrong with the REPL session management when on Gitpod, for sure.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:09:32

Thank you very much for looking into this! I have the impression that 1st time it worked for me so a race condition sounds very plausible.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)16:09:18

Question two: what is the "defun" in "Calva: Evaluate Top Level Form (defun)"?


I've always thought it's weird to have (defun) in there. Just ignore it (it's a Lisp-ism). The command is just "Evaluate Top Level Form".

👍 1
🙏 1

Yes, a Lisp-ism. It's so that Emacs folks should find it when they search the command palette.

emacs 1

@pez: I am loking at rich4clojure and planning to go through the exercise. I noticed some PR's there that I can review for you to merge (if you like). I woul also made a PR to upgrade RCF library to a release + I think we should add the user ns for that to work OOTB: > >

(ns user ; user ns is loaded by REPL startup
>   (:require [hyperfiddle.rcf]))
> (hyperfiddle.rcf/enable!)


PR welcome!


As for the other PRs. I have been a bad maintainer... And thing is that I generate the problems from another repo, so it needs to be fixed there. I think that repo might still be private, because very untidy... Let me come back about it when I have checked it out some.


I reviewed all of them and I think they are ok to merge, except the fibo PR, which I am not sure


made a PR for RCF upgrade and will do another for the user ns one


PR for user ns is up


Yeah. it is not that they are not good to merge. It is that the changes will be overwritten when I regenerate the problems.


Merged your first PR. Had a question about the other one.

👀 1

replied. short version: repl does not work for me in Calva (at leaset how I use it)


For the record, I like the change a lot. Just that it will be confusing if we leave the repl.clj file, and the. instructions to use it, in there.


yeah, I tried it now and evaluated repl and it enabled tests. I can move repl.clj -> user.cljC and mybe it will work. WDYT?


I think that if it works with the user.clj in the PR. Then just removing dev/repl.clj (together with the instructions to load it), should do.


There might be something needed to be done with the Gitpod setup as well, but probably not. I haven't checked, so testing your PR with Gitpod is probably a good idea.


I am not familiar with gitpod


repl.clj has some CLJS stuff. do we need to keep that ?!


Gitpod is basically VS Code running in the browser. Try the URL: (Then that needs to be adjusted to run from your PR, not completely sure how to do it.)


thanks. I have it opened locally so not an issue. I can remove it and commit


> repl.clj has some CLJS stuff. do we need to keep that ?! I don't think so. I still think just removing the file should work. (Afaiu the PR)


it failed to load for me but I have poor internet


I am on vacation, hotel


Might be a bit heavy for that. But you should try when you're on a better wifi. It is amazing.


resolved last PR issue