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Hello all, I´m trying to use chlorine:go-to-var-definition
but it fails and is getting a crazy path.
What's the path you're getting?
Uhn, never tested the feature with multi folders... I'll check here what happens.
@fabrao See
@U04V70XH6 I used your keybinds 🙂. So you don´t clean you inlines?
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-; ; b': 'chlorine:teste'
'ctrl-; b': 'sean:inspect-block'
'ctrl-; B': 'sean:inspect-top-block'
'ctrl-; c': 'chlorine:break-evaluation'
'ctrl-; d': 'chlorine:doc-for-var'
'ctrl-; D': 'sean:def-binding'
'ctrl-; e': 'chlorine:disconnect'
'ctrl-; f': 'chlorine:load-file'
'ctrl-; j': 'sean:inspect-java'
'ctrl-; k': 'chlorine:clear-console'
'ctrl-; n': 'sean:inspect-ns'
'ctrl-; s': 'sean:inspect-selection'
'ctrl-; S': 'chlorine:source-for-var'
'ctrl-; t': 'chlorine:run-test-for-var'
'ctrl-; v': 'sean:inspect-var'
'ctrl-; x': 'chlorine:run-tests-in-ns'
'ctrl-; y': 'chlorine:connect-clojure-socket-repl'
'ctrl-; .': 'chlorine:go-to-var-definition'
Visit that link again.
Compare it to what you have. You haven't updated your keymap since I updated mine 🙂
That link goes directly to the line that solves your problem.
@mauricio.szabo so, is it a bug about wrong path?
@fabrao How did you start your REPL? Via cmd/powershell or via WSL?
I wonder if it's some artifact of how your dependencies are set up? You're using CLI/`deps.edn`?
How do those two projects relate to each other? (Monitoracao\baytinela and bayconfig)
(I use Atom/Chlorine on both Mac and Windows with multiple projects open and have never seen go-to-var-definition mess up like that -- and I use PS for starting my REPL on Windows mostly)
Hi, I was checking if there's any code on goto-var-definition that uses the project's folders, and I didn't find anything... Are you using a Clojure REPL, or ClojureScript, ClojureCLR?
I start with clj -J'-Dclojure.server.repl={:port,5555,:accept,clojure.core.server/repl}'
Can you try to re-start Atom with only one directory for the project, issue goto-var definition again, and check if the problem persist?
Try to restart it. See if it changes anything
Are these *****
on the path too?
Also, what's the path of the project?
Ok, no worries. I liteally just wanted to see if the directory was messing up so far that it was adding invalid chars on the path 😄
Okay, so... can you evaluate (replacing your-fn-name with the name of the var you're trying to go to defintion):
(:file (meta #'your-fn-name))
And send the result here? You can redact the path name, no worries 🙂Also, evaluate:
(keys (meta #'your-fn-name))
Okay, one more thing: can you evaluate, please:
(.getResource (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)
I believe this is the last thing I'll ask 🙂
@mauricio.szabo no problem, anything you want to contribute