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I wonder if you have some preferences at JUXT for testing HTTP? I looked into edge and doesn’t have anything...
There are examples in yada's own test dir
You can create test 'systems' of (Stuart Sierra) components that are triggered with fixtures
Yes, edge needs more testing stuff.
@raymcdermott i can share how i'm testing my Yada app:
@tcoupland thanks - I don’t use component but I get the idea
@tcoupland you have written a fair bit of homemade code (wait-for-url, etc...) / macros (has-status, etc...) in your base.clj
@malcolmsparks in yada it seems you are using mocks rather than standing up a server or am I looking in the wrong places?
There are cases of both
Standing up a server is my preference for apps
@raymcdermott true, there is quite a bit of stuff in there for that. I don't think they are that common/don't really look for such simple bits and bobs
Let mw check when I'm on my laptop and get back to you
@malcolmsparks - no hurry
ah, well it's a little different. The application is event driven, so responses happen immediately, but entities will be created once the events have been consumed and different tests are looking for different entities and entity states.
when we switched from yada pre 1.0 to 1.1 we have created a test suite that generates requests to 2 servers on different git commits and compares them for compatibility. the old version of the server needed to be started manually, but the new one was started with component. requests were submitted by aleph's http client. I probably need to automate this, so we can run these tests on every release 🙂
is there an example somewhere of how to upload a list of files with yada?
upload.clj in the yada repo shows a simple upload.
You can use multipart to upload many files in one go
Yada fully supports multipart and it's well tested
allright, thx
Hence, the question is: how to define the swaggered api/resource?
... or is it not possible to have this swaggered?
@kurt-yagram the ring multipart sadly requires servlet dep, see You can add File->Swagger conversion yourself, something like (defmethod ring.swagger.json-schema/convert-class [_ _] {:type "file"})
I'll give it a try... thx
@malcolmsparks when I return a deferred from a verify function in the authentication-schemes, yada will always consider this as a truthy value, no matter what the contents of the deferred are (error or nil e.g.)