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So just wondering if anyone has any useful Grafana ( riemann, influx ) queries that they have put together for onyx?
Code survival graph for Onyx core:
Is there another hook to clean/mutate aggregation state other than apply-state-update and the two refinement options?
@yonatanel: no but I'm interested in hearing about any use cases that need anything else
Sure. 🙂
@lucasbradstreet I do event sourcing, implemented with aggregation that accumulates the events together with the aggregate state, and then save the events to durable store in a sync function. Only then I can discard them from state. Currently, I can't discard them until the next call to aggregation/apply-state-update.
@yonatanel Discard only happens after sync
finishes execution.
I'm using accumulating refinement, not discarding. I need part of the state forever
Ah man. Raynes passed away ._.
the aggregate is composed of events and the "reduce" of them. The reduce keeps living, the events can go to a store and be cleaned from the aggregate
@yonatanel If you can draw up a more concrete example, we can look at making a new refinement mode to support it, if that’s appropriate.
@michaeldrogalis I put my cqrs example on github. Can you look at the aggregation and say if you understand the use case?
Yep, will check it out shortly
@yonatanel Yeah, I think you need a custom refinement that respects the properties of your aggregate
@michaeldrogalis I don't think it's documented but I see code in onyx/refinements.cljc and onyx/windowing/window_compile.clj that uses trigger refinement calls similar to aggregation calls.
@yonatanel Sorry? Do you have a question about it?
Yeah. The refinement interface is a public API
Do we not doc that in the cheat sheet? Probably not :/
Will get on that if not