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Anyone using a step debugger with nvim/conjure? Any recommendations?

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I don't think there is one, but this issue points to a wish for it to be done:

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Itโ€™s a little work to set up, but itโ€™s pretty cool being able to move forward and backward through the trace.


This isn't the same, but I've found it to be good enough:


I recently added the this mapping and I'm not sure how I ever lived without it:

nmap <Leader>if :IcedEval ( *1)<Left><Left><Left><Left>
Is there perhaps a cleaner way of accomplishing the same thing with vim-iced, and does anyone have other similar mappings they find useful?


Obviously I don't really mind the macros ๐Ÿ˜‰

Noah Bogart22:12:39

What does it do?


It starts command-line mode, types :IcedEval ( *1) and then puts the cursor just after the opening paren. Presumably ready to type a function which takes *1 (last result) as an arg.

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Yes, exactly as @UE1N3HAJH said. I find I often eval forms that I need to subsequently transform and this is a convenient way of doing it. Often it's because the original eval returned something that's too large for the screen, and I end up just doing something like (take 5 *1), or threading few a few values to transform a large collection in some other way. I know I can yank an eval result or print it out and include the literal in a transformation, but using *1, *2, etc. is often more convenient when I don't really care about the intermediate values.