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Hi I’m trying to :Eval in vim fireplace, but instead of getting eval’d I’m getting this error in the minibuffer at the bottom:


Vim(return):E716: Key not present in Dictionary: "response, 'value', [])"


Any ideas what might be causing this?


nevermind had a syntax error in the file


I changed my config to use Neovim's lua and now Neovim opens an empty file when I gd to show the definition of a fn in a dependency that is on the classpath. Using nvim-lsp-config and clojure-lsp with Conjure. Anyone has an idea? basic reproduction:

(ns foobar)
(println "foobar")
start a repl and place cursor onto println and use lsp to show definition. Then it shows an empty buffer and "zipfile:/home/timo/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.10.3/clojure-1.10.3.jar::clojure/core.clj" [New] --No lines in buffer-- I don't understand where this problem is coming from...with my old config it works and shows the source of definition. Anyone can point me to where the problem is?


So Conjure shouldn't be involved in that, it's <localleader>gd for Conjure by default now so you can rely on other systems with the unprefixed gd mapping. Just for clarity 🙂


If you're relying on LSP you shouldn't even need a REPL connected to go to the definition.


To me it looks like whatever LSP client / server combo you have isn't opening the zipfile path correctly so nvim doesn't know that it's a zip and should be explored that way?


hey thanks, already resolved, it was actually copypasted code that disabled the zip-plugin in nvim


Ohhhh! Congrats 😄