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Trying out Spacemacs for the first time. I'm experiencing what looks like a bug or misconfiguration of some sort - when I press , it opens a menu with the available key bindings, but some of the descriptions seem to be missing and replaced with +prefix. Is there something I could do about it? I'm running the latest develop and


Oh and if it matters I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 and Emacs 27.1


Grepping around in the Spacemacs repository, it looks like the command descriptions are defined if I'm not terribly mistaken?


I get the same result.


I get a different set of prefix ones, eg s for me says prefix (but does contain the 'send to repl' commands). So yeah, seems like a bit of a bug. If it helps, = is format, g is goto, h is documentation, r is refactoring (some of which doesn't work currently IIRC), and T is toggle,


(I'm on develop, but not particularly up to date)


Alright thanks! I'm jumping on Spacemacs without any meaningful experience with Emacs, so it's good to know it's looking more like a bug than me having already messed up my setup 😅

😅 1

I got the descriptions working while resolving another issue I was having. I couldn't get emacs to boot LSP with my project and when calling some of the lsp commands manually I either got a blank buffer or an error message about treemacs-treelib that I initally brushed off as unrelated but it kept reappearing when executing a particular command, so I started googling around for a clue and ran into this Removed everything treemacs-related under my .emacs.d as suggested and rebooted into a working setup Reading further into the clojure layer source, it seems that the missing descriptions have a common link as they and so I guess it was just cross-talk between the involved plugins 🤷

Brian Beckman23:10:45

I'm not sure it's a bug. Perhaps =, g, h, r, T are prefixes that don't have names? If you press those keys, do you get meaningful, second-tier menus?


Prefix is an un-named sub-menu, so its not a bug unless that sub-menu is named in the respective Spacemacs layer configuration - menus are typically defined in the packages.el file in the layer configuration. Ideally sub-menu's should all have meaningful names and they do so in the Clojure layer (or there is a bug in .Spacemacs (or .spacemacs.d/init.el config). In the original posting, the .spacemacs file has the Clojure layer added twice, which may cause problems.


Oh, thanks for pointing it out! I seem to have removed the duplicate at some point but can't remember doing that on purpose, maybe it was the problem all along, at least it would seem like an obvious source for the "cross-talk" I was experiencing Also would like to thank you @U05254DQM for the helpful tutorials on Spacemacs. They definitely helped me to commit to learning the editor, coming from a Vim background

👍 1
Drew Verlee21:09:55

cross posting a small question from #emcas bc it might be spacmacs specific. how would you yank and then replace a keyword? I can yank a keyword with space k y (sp-copy-sexp) and there is a evil-insert before and after but not "replace" option.


One way to do the replacement would be to use visual mode. I use Doom instead of Spacemacs, so the keys might be a bit different, but the idea would be to use vi with a text object that will select the keyword (perhaps evil-inner-symbol or one for s-expressions if you have one).


Then once you’ve got the symbol selected you can use evil-paste-after.


Ah, but you want to yank it first.


In that case you’d want something like cio which will delete (and yank) the symbol and put you in insert mode. You can then use C-r to either paste from a previous register or type something out in insert mode.