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Hi everyone. Im using native-image to build an executable of a clojure codebase that links with C code. It all works great by building the C as a *.a file and linking it in at compile time during native-image. But running the project under graals java, how do I consume the C library then?


I can compile it as a *.so, but if I loadLibrary it when I call the C code I get an UnsatisfiedLink error.


If I add JNI to the C library, and then compile it as a .so, and then loadLibrary it, then it does load and work (including the substrate C interop calls)


Is there any way of loading vanilla compiled C into the graal java runtime?


it will be slow and annoying to develop when every change requires a full native-image


(examining the symbols in the JNI .so there is a JvRegisterClasses call that is not present in the plain .so file. I think this has the magic that makes loadLibrary link it correctly)


it's been loooooong time since I touched C etc - does graal / jni support similar mechanism to LD_LIBRARY_PATH? That's how dynamic linking works in other languages/runtimes


it does. thats all set up. the loadLibrary of the vanilla code loads... it just then doesnt work when called


I think you need to do JNI in the JVM still so you have to maintain two versions of the FFI code


yeah thats what I thought too. Just hoping someone with more experience shows me a magical graal blessed way that I dont know about 🙂


have to go sleep now. But will check back in the morning if anyone has any better solutions.


I've started writing all my ffi code using dtype-next's ffi since you can define the interface once and use it in a number of contexts. I'm not sure it covers the exact contexts you've listed, but I think it does. If it doesn't, the ffi interface is extensible.


@U7RJTCH6J that looks really great! I will give that a go. Thanks for the pointer.