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Thanh Nguyen09:09:15

Hi. When I try to press "Add as Clojure Deps project", I got a error notification "Cannot execute: Clojure command not configured" from Cursive. What should I do in this case? I fiddled around with the project configurations and stuff, but nothing seems to be the case here

Thanh Nguyen11:09:29

Sorry for not researching more carefully. Basically I have to configure the Build Tool to let Cursive now how to invoke clj. I did it and things seem to work fine now


is it possible in Curisve to print something like progress bar, but keeping it updating instead of print new line with each change? something like: 1% which after a while change into 2% instead of 1% 2% 3% …

Ivar Refsdal09:09:59

Yes, that's possible... You can use (str \u001b "[1K") instead of the usual \r and use (str \u001b "[0K") for clear to end of line

Ivar Refsdal09:09:37

Example autoclosable ticker-thingie I've used tor Cursive:

Ivar Refsdal09:09:48

I did turn it off though, don't remember why.

Ivar Refsdal09:09:37

Code is slightly modified from: which have some basic tickers for performance tests


Does (str \u001b "[1K") work outside cursive?

Ivar Refsdal16:10:55

Yes I think so

👍 1

Yes, Cursive interprets a limited set of escape codes.


It’s far from a full terminal interpreter, but simple cases like this should work ok.


is it any better to use \u001b instead of "\033"? eg:

(def cr
  "Carrige Return as ANSI escape sequence"

(println (str "Hello" cr "World"))


I would like to have some progress information when process large data