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@drewverlee I think you were experiencing this magit issue, with it not restoring the previous window when not in full screen mode. It seems to be resolved now

👍 1
Drew Verlee13:08:40

thanks for the insight!


I’m trying to figure out how to configure a custom modeline. It works, but I want to add cursor line and column indicators.

(with-eval-after-load 'doom-modeline
    (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'my-modeline
      '(workspace-name window-number modals persp-name buffer-info matches remote-host vcs)
      '(misc-info repl lsp))
How might I do this? doom-modeline-core.el has a bunch of variables I can put in, but I don’t see anything for line or column numbers.


Nevermind, turns out all I had to do was simply add line-number to the list.

👍 1

still though, how could I have figured that out other than by guessing?


Debugging doom-modeline code :/


Ok, now it seems to be erroring on startup. (Spacemacs) Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: line-number is not a defined segment


you can M-x toggle-debug-on-error


which will show a detailed stacktrace when the error happens


I didn’t know about this, thank you! @UKFSJSM38

👍 2

there are some strange names for modeline parts, perhaps its buffer-position (but thats just a guess) some other names for components I found while searching the internet - I dont use these and I think the checker has a bug, so I use what ever the LSP icon is

;; checker = flycheck results (not working)
  ;; buffer-position
  ;; word-count - number of words in current buffer
  ;; parrot
  ;; selection-info
  ;; repl - shows status of Cloure repl ?
  ;; process ??
  ;; debug
  ;; misc-info  - used for keycast


I added the support for the repl one 😅 it shows a terminal icon (the closest icon for a repl that I found) which is yellow when the repl is not connected and green when it's connected


My current modeline is from left to right: LSP code actions / LSP warnings/errors/info in the project / LSP connected (the rocket one) / REPL / checker


Nice. Lots of doom-modeline-def-segment to look at and see if I wan to include 🙂 Thanks.

👍 2