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Is there a keybinding to exit a search you started with /? When I'm tired of seeing my search results highlighted, I usually just type in a random search that I know won't find a match, like /awefadsf But recently I've been getting issues when I'm stuck in that mode; d deletes a whole line for some reason. I can fix by running evil-ex-search-exit but that's hard to remember


In general, C-g exits your current context in Spacemacs. (I think in Emacs too.)


Also, SPC s c clears your most recent search string from being highlighted in your buffer.


Ah thanks, I think SPC s c is what I need; I had tried C-g, fd, ESC, and C-[ and none of those were working

👍 5

the workaround about halfway down fixes it for me


Yeah! That does sound like the behavior I was seeing


> When I’m tired of seeing my search results highlighted, I usually just type in a random search that I know won’t find a match, like /awefadsf @bfay you can do :nohl or SPC sc

👍 5

Thanks, yeah jeff.terrell got me covered!